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Budapest Economic Forum 2013 - Growth and innovation

Date: 17th October 2013  

Location: SOFITEL Budapest Chain Bridge Hotel, Budapest, Hungary


  • Sikerül-e felpörgetni a növekedés motorját? - Magyarország és a régió esélyei, Hol áll Magyarország a nemzetközi rangsorban? Hogyan javíthatja pozícióit?
  • A bankszektor és a hitelezés aktuális helyzete
  • Választások előtt és után - Mi változhat? Fennmarad-e a fiskális fegyelem?
  • Magyarország, mint beruházási célpont - Miért választják Magyarországot a külföldi cégek?
  • Innovációs lehetőségek Magyarországon - Miért érdemes Magyarországon innoválni?
  • Milyenek az innováció finanszírozási lehetőségei Magyarországon?
  • Munkaerőpiaci kilátások - Hogyan lesznek új munkahelyek? Mennyire mobilis a magasan képzett munkaerő?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bartos Márton
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Becsey Zsolt
külgazdasági koordinátor
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Békés Gábor
Research Fellow, Adjunct
MTA KRTK Institute of Economics, CEU
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Blum Martin
Partner, Portfólió menedzser
Ithuba Capital
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Richter Gedeon NyRt.
speaker image
Bojár Gábor
speaker image
Búzás Norbert
egyetemi docens
SZTE Kutatás-fejlesztési és Innovációs Igazgatóság
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Chikán Attila
Corvinus University of Budapest, Competitiveness Research Centre
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Diószegi Zsófia
National Instruments
pénzügyi igazgató
speaker image
Duronelly Péter CFA
Senior Portfolio Manager
Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Dr. Gulácsi Gábor
gazdasági vezérigazgató-helyettes
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Gyuris Dániel
OTP Jelzálogbank
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Hajzer István
gazdasági igazgató
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Jaksity György
Concorde Értékpapír Zrt.
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Katona Zsolt
Budapest Stock Exchange
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Kisgergely Kornél
EXIM Hungary
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Koltai Zoltán
műszaki igazgató
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Lakatos Péter
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Málnay Barnabás
üzletfejlesztési igazgató
AVEC Akcelerátor Program
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Matisa Zoltán
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Orbán Gábor
Richter Gedeon
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Dr. Oszkó Péter
Chairman of the Board
OXO Tecnologies Holding
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Palotai Dániel
Executive Director
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Pataki Károly
igazgatósági tag
Trenkwalder International AG
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Pataki Róbert
Üzletfejlesztési vezérigazgató-helyettes
Magyar Telekom
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Pitti Zoltán
tudományos munkatárs
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Joseph P. Quinlan
ügyvezető igazgató, vezető stratéga
Bank of America, privát vagyonkezelési üzletág
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Rábai Dániel
Managing Director of Continental Hungaria Kft.
Head of focus country, Continental Hungary
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Gerard Ryan
International Personal Finance Plc.
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Seres Béla
Deloitte EMEA Corporate Finance Advisory Leader
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Spéder Zoltán
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Szabó János
Magyar Telekom
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Szabó István
igazgató, Ingatlan, Kisvállalkozási és Agrár Divízió
OTP Bank
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Székely István Pál
Európai Bizottság
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Tajti Imre CFA
Portfolio Manager
Aberdeen Asset Management
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Tatár-Kiss Klára
HR igazgató
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Török Gábor
Vision Politics
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Trippon Mariann
Senior Analyst
CIB Bank
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Várnagy Priszcilla
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Vojnits Tamás
az igazgatóság elnöke
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Heinz Wiedner
former CEO
Raiffeisen Bank

Why you should come?

The Budapest Economic Forum is a unique event that offers an exceptional opportunity to discuss the most exciting economic issues of Hungary, the central and eastern European region and the euro area. This year the event will take place on 17 October when - just like in the previous years - Portfolio.hu will welcome numerous decision makers, renowned economists and corporate executives.

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The Budapest Economic Forum is a unique event that offers an exceptional opportunity to discuss the most exciting economic issues of Hungary, the central and eastern European region and the euro area. This year the event will take place on 17 October when - just like in the previous years - Portfolio.hu will welcome numerous decision makers, renowned economists and corporate executives.

Hungary and the euro area have progressed well into the lost decade. The debt crisis is not entirely over yet, while growth issues have already been uncovered. Do we need to accept that debt reduction comes at the price of recession or stagnation? This year’s BEF will provide an opportunity for the players of the business and economic life to discuss ways to kick-start growth and also to evaluate what occurred over the past year and what could be lying ahead of us.

The crisis has highlighted the importance of having sustainable economic policies and also an uninterrupted functioning of institutions that assist such policies. In order to solve the current problems, sustainable growth will be indispensible in the longer term. It is true for many countries that their present woes are the consequence of more than just an unfortunate coincidence of external conditions. The misguided economic policy decisions and the lack of the appropriate economic and political institutions are also to be blamed.

At the conference it will be discussed what manoeuvring room Hungary’s economy and economic policy have in the current global economic environment. Will the country be able to improve its potential growth? Can investment activity be kick-started? How could small and medium-sized enterprises be given access to funding? What role could innovation play in kick-starting Hungary’s economic growth?

Considering the human factors of innovation in Hungary the country does have the potential to enhance R&D&I, but the innovative power of SMEs have proved to be inferior. Research & Development spending of the business sector has increased substantially. Moreover, the rate of innovation-focused risk capital investments has increased more in Hungary than in any other EU member state. At the conference we will also be looking for answers to the current questions of companies involved in innovation. What funding opportunities are there for innovation in Hungary? How mobile is the highly-qualified R&D human resource? How could you establish an ecosystem that provides incentives and support for technology-intensive start-up businesses?


• Dániel Gyuris, Chairman-CEO, OTP Mortgage Bank
• György Jaksity, Chairman of the Board, Concorde
• Péter Oszkó, Managing Director, PortfoLion
• Joseph P. Quinlan, Managing Director, Chief Market Strategist, Bank of America, Private Wealth Management
• Márton Nagy, Managing Director NBH
• Erik Bogsch, CEO, Richter Gedeon Nyrt.
• Heinz Wiedner, CEO, Raiffeisen Bank
• Zsolt Katona, CEO, Budapest Stock Exchange
• Tamás Vojnits, Chairman of Takarekbank, Government Commissioner at Hungary
• István Pál Székely, Country Director, European Commission
• Gábor Török, Director, Vision Politics
• Péter Duronelly, Chief Investment Officer, Budapest Fund Management Co.
• Gábor Bojár, Chairman, Graphisoft
• Gerard Ryan, CEO, International Personal Finance Plc.
• Péter Lakatos, Co-CEO, Videoton
• Botond Szirmák, CEO, Provident Financial Ltd.
• János Szabó, Chief Financial Officer, Magyar Telekom
• Kornél Kisgergely Deputy Secretary of State, Ministry for National Economy
• Robin Marshall, AmCham
• Zoltán Lambert, Partner, WTS
• Martin Blum, Partner, Ithuba Capital
• Dániel Palotai, Managing Director, Hungarian National Bank
• Károly Pataki, Member of Board, Trenkwalder
• Béla Seres, Partner-in-Charge, Deloitte
• Zoltán Matisa, Operations Manager, IBM
• István Hajzer, CFO, Bosch
• Zsófia Diószegi, Finance Director, National Instruments
• Zoltán Koltai, Technology Director for EMEA region, GE
• István Szabó, Head of Department, National Innovation Office
• Márton Bartos, Design Engineer, Protokat
• Zsolt Becsey, Coordinator of Foreign Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Dániel Rábai, External relations and Communication Expert, Continental
• Imre Tajti, Portfolio Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management Hungary
• Klára Tatár-Kiss, HR Director, Tesco
• Róbert Pataki, Chief Business Development Officer, Magyar Telekom
• Priszcilla Várnagy, CEO, Be-innovative
• Attila Chikán, Economist, BCE, MTA
• Zsuzsa Beke, Head of Communication and Public Affair, Richter Gedeon Rt.
• Gábor Békés, Economist, CEU
• Zoltán Pitti, research professor, BCE
• Mariann Trippon, Senior Analyst, CIB
• Norbert Buzás, Associate Professor, University of Szeged


Our conference can provide useful information to:

• financial directors
• financing experts
• consultants
• lawyers
• Entrepreneurs and business owners
• middle and top management of financial institutions
• players on the sales side of the sector
• private equity & venture capital investors
• corporate finance experts


Aberdeen Asset Management, Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány, AKA Alföld Koncessziós Autópálya Zrt., AmCham, Amerikai Kereskedelmi Kamara, Autometrix Kft., Az Országgyűlés Gazdasági és Informatikai Bizottsága, Bank of America, BCE, BEMBOZ Kft., Be-novative, Bisnode D&B Magyarország Kft., BISZ Zrt., BNP Paribas Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Bosch, Budapest Alapkezelő Zrt., Budapesti Erőmű Zrt., Budapesti Értéktőzsde, CEU, CEZ Magyarország Kft, CIB Bank Zrt., Citibank Europe plc Hungarian Branch Office, Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., Continental, Deloitte Magyarország, Deutsche Leasing Hungaria Zrt., East Consulting Srl, EconGas Hungária Kft., Erős Ügyvédi Iroda / Squire Sanders (US) LLP, Erste Group Bank AG, Európai Bizottság, FHB Jelzálogbank, FŐGÁZ Zrt., GE, GEFCO Magyarország Kft., Goldman Sachs, Graphisoft, Growth and innovation Conference, Hax Zrt., IBM, Inhold Zrt., Intrum Justitia Zrt., IPF, Ithuba Capital, Jobsgarden-ITJobs Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft., K&H Bank Zrt., Külügyminisztérium, Magyar Exporthitel Biztosító Zrt., Magyar Export-Import Bank Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Magyar Záloghitel Zrt., MAN Kamion és Busz Kereskedelmi Kft., MFB Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság, MKB, MMBF Zrt., MNB, MOL Nyrt., MPO Magyar Posta Oktatási Szolgáltató Kft., MTA, National Instruments, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Nemzeti Innovációs Hivatal , Online Üzleti Informatika Zrt., OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt., Pioneer Alapkezelő Zrt., Planning & Trading Kft., PortfoLion Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft., Protokat, Provident, Quaestor Értékpapírkereskedelmi Nyrt., Quantis Investment Management Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Rechtsanwalt, Regionális Fejlesztési Holding Zrt., Richter Gedeon Rt., Saxo Bank, Szopkóné Dr. Horváth Ildikó Ügyvédi Iroda, SZTE Kutatás-fejlesztési és Innovációs Igazgatóság, Takarékbank, Tesco Globál Zrt., TRANZIT-KER Zrt., Trenkwalder International AG, T-Systems, TURCK Hungary Kft., UBS AG, UTC Overseas Logistics Ltd., Videoton, Vision Politics, WTS Klient Kft.


• Crisis management - Are we really done with it?
• Post-recession era - Will there be meaningful growth in Europe and in Hungary?
• Election time - Will economic policy change in Hungary and Germany?
• Banks squeezed in the vice - When will lending finally kick in?
• Investment and R&D - Through the eyes of small firms and large enterprises
• Opportunities in innovation - Where can you find the best deals?


DATE: October 17, 2013, (8:50 am.-5 pm.)

PLACE: SOFITEL Budapest Chain Bridge Hotel, Budapest, Hungary
Hotel Information, Map & Location

COST: HUF 79,900 + VAT / person

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more
- 20% for Members of AmCham

Discounts cannot be combined!


Aranykéz Parking Garage
1052 Budapest, Fifth District, Aranykéz utca (street) 4-6.
The garage has five levels with 497 parking spots and is open 24 hours a day.
7.560.- Ft/day (incl. VAT) - 26 EUR

Bazilika Garage:
1051 Budapest, Fifth District, Sas utca (street) (Szt. István tér)
9.600.- Ft/day (incl. VAT) - 32 EUR


Program - Krisztina Kovács, Analyst, tel.: +36 1/428-9061, e-mail: kovacs.krisztina@portfolio.hu

Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu

Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu


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Budapest Economic Forum 2013 (17 October 2013)


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