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Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Retail Financing in Hungary Conference 2011


  • A magyar bankszektor aktuális helyzete
  • A magyar bankszektor előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások
  • Bedőlt hitelek árnyékában
  • Leszámolni a jelzáloghitelezés örökölt problémáival
  • Értékesítés és termékfejlesztés
  • Milyen a jövő jelzáloghitele?
  • Merre tovább, fedezetlen hitelezés?
  • Ha a lakáshitel nem megy: kitörési utak a lakossági finanszírozásban

Our speakers among others

All speakers
speaker image
Dr. Balogh Imre
MKB Bank Zrt.
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Fatér Gyula
Head of Department
Budapest Bank
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Dr. Fröhlich Péter
Head of Digital Customer Service
Gránit Bank
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Gyuris Dániel
OTP Jelzálogbank
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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Hegedüs Éva
Vice President and CEO
Gránit Bank
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Holló Bence
NN Hungary
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Horváth Áron
ELTINGA / Lakás Riport
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Illés Zoltán
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Karácsony Krisztián
vezető tanácsadó
Ecorys Magyarország
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Dr. Király Júlia
IBS Budapest
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Komócsi Sándor
ügyvezető igazgató
UniCredit Bank
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Kühne Kata
ügyvezető igazgató
Otthon Centrum
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Major Gábor
programvezető (Hitel-S Program)
Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Slánicz Béla
stratégiai vezérigazgató-helyettes
Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.
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Tamas Simonyi
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Tenke Gábor
lakossági termékfejlesztési és mikrovállalati igazgató
Erste Bank Hungary
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Thummerer Péter
ügyvezető igazgató
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Tokodi Gábor
FHB Bank
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Toman Róbert
lakossági hitelezésért felelős vezető
Raiffeisen Bank
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Valkó Dávid
senior analyst
OTP Jelzálogbank / OTP Ingatlanpont
speaker image
Heinz Wiedner
former CEO
Raiffeisen Bank

Why you should come?

Portfolio.hu’s highly successful series of conferences continues: On 4 May 2011 the key players of the Hungarian banking sector, regulators and the intermediary market will meet for the fifth time to exchange views about the challenges of the sector, the outlook on mortgage lending and home financing and all the related obstacles and opportunities. The conference will, of course, address the most pressing issues of the sector, which will this time include unsecured loans and all the related matters.

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary Conference 2010:

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Our Sponsors



Hungary’s banking sector was hit by a series of unexpected shocks last year. As a consequence of unfavourable changes both in terms of regulations and market conditions the volume of home loans dropped to the lowest level seen in nearly a decade; and contrary to expectations demand for retail loans remained extremely low. Banks need to manage overdue loans of over HUF 2,000 billion, while they should also start to prepare for an economic upturn so that they would be able to keep up with their regional peers in terms of profitability.

Portfolio.hu’s highly successful series of conferences continues: On 4 May 2011 the key players of the Hungarian banking sector, regulators and the intermediary market will meet for the fifth time to exchange views about the challenges of the sector, the outlook on mortgage lending and home financing and all the related obstacles and opportunities. The conference will, of course, address the most pressing issues of the sector, which will this time include unsecured loans and all the related matters.


• The current situation of hungary’s banking sector
• Challenges of the Hungarian Banking Sector
• Bad loans: What can the government and the banks do about them?
• Eliminating the inherited disorders of mortgage lending
• Marketing and product development
• How will a mortgage loan be like in the future?
• What kind of loans do the clients want?
• Alternative routes in retail leinding


Our conference can provide useful information to:
1. middle and top management of financial institutions dealing in retail lending;
2. players on the sales side of the sector;
3. investors on the real estate market.


DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2011

PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY)
Hotel Information, Map & Location

COST: HUF 69,900 + VAT / person

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more.


Advisesoft Információtechnológiai Kft., AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., AEGON Magyarország Hitel Zrt., Allianz Bank Zrt., AXA Bank Europe SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Bankárnet Kft., BANKBROKER Kft., BellResearch Kutatási és Tanácsadó Kft., BG Magyarország Ingatlanfinanszírozási Zrt., BROKERNET Holding Zrt., Budapest Bank, CARDIF Biztosító Zrt., CARDIF Életbiztosító Zrt., CE Credit Ingatlanhitel Zrt., CEMP, Chartis Europe, CIB Bank Zrt., CIB Ingatlanlízing Zrt., CIG Pannónia Életbiztosító Zrt., Citibank Europe plc. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Cordia Magyarország Zrt., Credit Premium Kft., CREDITEXPRESS Magyarország, CRIF, Díjbeszedő Faktorház Zrt., EOS KSI Magyarország Inkasszó Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Nyrt., Etalon-Bankár Kft., FHB Életjáradék Zrt., FHB Ingatlan Zrt., FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt. , FHB Jelzálogbank Zrt., FHB Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt., Gazdasági Versenyhivatal, Gordio Csoport, HC Központ Kft., Biggeorge's Holding, HyperTeam Üzleti és Informatikai Tanácsadó Kft., ING Biztosító Zrt., IQSYS Zrt., ITH Kkt., J.V.L. Kft. (Nanette Csoport), K&H Bank Zrt., Magyar Jelzálogbank Egyesület, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Máltai Szeretetszolgálat, MKB Általános Biztosító Zrt., MKB Bank Zrt., Money & More Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt., Nemzetközi Bankárképző Központ Zrt., Országos Követelés Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Lakáslízing Zrt., Palace Ingatlan, Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete, Portfolio Money, PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft., Program-IT Kft., Quaestor Jelzálog Finanszírozási Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., UCB Ingatlanhitel Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Vemsoft Kft...

Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.

The Portfolio.hu conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.


Program - István PALKÓ, Analyst, Phone: +00 36 1/428-9065, e-mail: palko@portfolio.hu

Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy CEO / Sales, Phone: +00 36 1/327-4088, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary Conference 2010:


GALLERY | 21 pictures
Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Retail Financing in Hungary Conference 2011 (04.05.2011)


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