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Grzegorz Rychwalski

Vállalat: Polski Związek Pracodawców Przemysłu Farmaceutycznego (PZPPF)
Beosztás: Vice-President of the Management Board
Grzegorz Rychwalski, the Vice President of Polish Union of Employers in Pharmaceutical Industry. Started since 1st of September 2016. Previously Government & Policy Manager at Janssen. He has many years’ experience in the pharmaceuticals sector. He worked as a Head of Strategy at INFARMA, Head of Legal Unit in the Drug Policy and Pharmacy Department at the Ministry of Health and as a Health Attaché at Permanent Representation of Republic of Poland to the UE. He took part and supervise at dozens of a legislative projects at national and UE level. He has a broad UE and WHO experience. Former member of the most important European Commission Committees related to the drug policy. Former representative of Polish Government to the negotiations of many drug legislative initiatives.

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