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Howard Leigh

Vállalat: Cavendish Corporate finance
Beosztás: ügyvezető igazgató
Howard graduated in economics and after a short spell in UK merchant banking, joined Deloitte Haskins & Sells where he qualified as a chartered accountant. He transferred to the corporate tax department where he further qualified with Chartered Institute of Taxation.
In early 1986, Howard established Deloitte’s M&A Group and developed an expertise in company sales. In May 1988 he left to set up Cavendish.
He is the immediate past Chairman of the Faculty of Corporate Finance of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, which represents some 5,000 corporate financiers. Howard sits as an alternate to the President of the Institute on the Takeover Panel.
Howard is a Vice President of M&A International Inc. - the world’s leading network of independent corporate finance advisers, covering some 50 firms in nearly 30 countries.
He is chairman of a number of charitable organisations, Treasurer of the Conservative Party, and he frequently lectures on mergers and acquisitions both in the UK and overseas.

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