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Kerstin Hermansson

Vállalat: SMSG - Esma
Beosztás: Member
Kerstin Hermansson is a member of ESMA’s Securities Markets Stakeholder Group since the summer 2016 as a financial market representative. Kerstin is the CEO of the Swedish Securities Dealers’ Association (SSDA) since 2006. Her first major task as managing director of SSDA was the MIFID 1 implementation; from dialogue with legislators and regulators to review of all SSDA self-regulation and standards. Kerstin is active within the European Banking Association (e.g. chairing the Secondary Market WG) and the European Forum for Securities Associations. Kerstin is a board member of AP7 which is the state-owned alternative to the private investment funds offered by the Swedish premium pension system.

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