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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Lars Christensen

Vállalat: Danske Bank
Lars Christensen is Senior Analyst and Head of New Europe Research Danske Bank. He is also Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. Earlier Lars Christensen has worked as an economic policy analyst at Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs. Mr. Christensen has a master degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. He is also the author of the book "Milton Friedman – a pragmatic revolutionary" published in November 2002 and co-author of the book "Economics and immigration in Scandinavia", published in 1998. Furthermore Lars Christensen has written numerous articles in Danish and international magazines and journals on economics, financial markets and politics.

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

XX. Property Investment Forum

XX. Property Investment Forum

2024. szeptember 25.
Private Health Forum 2024

Private Health Forum 2024

2024. szeptember 26.
Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024

2024. december 4 - 5.
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A feliratkozással elfogadom az  Adatkezelési tájékoztató 
és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
Elmúltam 16 éves.