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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Michał Bogusławski

Vállalat: ZEN
Beosztás: Commercial Director
He is responsible for ZEN's development in 31 markets as well as for offering building, business development and ZEN partnerships around the world. From the beginning of his professional career, he has been associated with new technologies. As part of his work at Apple IMC Poland, he created TV solutions based on the Apple platform. For over 7 years, he co-created PayPal's success in Europe, managing cooperation with strategic partners and Enterprise sales in 23 markets of Central and Eastern Europe (including the Baltic States, the Balkans, in Poland, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Greece). He also supported PayPal's expansion among the 200 largest brands in the region. He graduated from the University of Management in Warsaw in the field of marketing and advertising and human resource management. Professionally, a lover of topics related to digital trade, fintechs, financial services, technology and management. Privately, a landscape photographer and traveler.

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

XX. Property Investment Forum

XX. Property Investment Forum

2024. szeptember 25.
Private Health Forum 2024

Private Health Forum 2024

2024. szeptember 26.
Future of Finance 2024

Future of Finance 2024

2024. szeptember 17.
Iratkozzon fel exkluzív rendezvényértesítőnkre!

Hírek, eseményajánlók első kézből

A feliratkozással elfogadom az  Adatkezelési tájékoztató 
és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
Elmúltam 16 éves.