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Pavlina Solcova

Vállalat: Allianz Global Investors
Beosztás: Vice President, Business Development CEE
Pavlina is responsible for business development of Central Eastern Europe at Allianz Global Investors, covering wholesales and institutional clients.   She joined Allianz SE in 2015. Before she held positions in the banking industry, in project management and product management-deposits with the focus on the Austria/CEE region. Prior to this engagement she worked at the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Czech Republic, where she was responsible for international financial institutions, cooperating closely with the European Investment Bank, European Commission, World Bank and UN. She was also an analyst at Financial and Private Sector Payments and Remittances Group at the World Bank / IFC in the US. Pavlina has worked for Czech/international financial institutions and overall in the financial industry for 12 years. She reached a Master in Business and Economics and was also a PhD candidate in Economics. Additionally, she holds several certificates in project management, negotiation, public procurement and financial policy of international financial institutions. She was part of mentoring programs of Czech German Young Professional (2014) and International Women Forum leadership platform in Austria for (2018). As of 2018 she is part of Austrian Fondsfrauen group.

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