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Philipp Hobler

Vállalat: DELL EMC
Beosztás: EMEA Field CTO, Data Protection Solutions
Philipp Hobler is the EMEA Theatre Field CTO for Data Protection Solutions within the Global Technology Office of DELL/EMC He brings with him more than 16 years of experience of Data Protection He has started as Solution Architect for DP solutions, moved on as German Country Manager for DPS and took on the Field CTO role 4 years ago His knowledge incl. a whole range of solutions within the world of Data Protection incl. Tape & Disk Storage, Backup software, Virtual environments, Cloud solutions, GDPR, …

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

Private Health Forum 2024

Private Health Forum 2024

2024. szeptember 26.
Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024

2024. december 4 - 5.
Budapest Economic Forum 2024

Budapest Economic Forum 2024

2024. október 17.
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A feliratkozással elfogadom az  Adatkezelési tájékoztató 
és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
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