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Raluca Nita

Vállalat: Private Equity Partners
Beosztás: Managing Director
Raluca has 16 years private equity experience in CEE, with a focus on Romania, out of which 8 years with Advent International and 8 years with GED Capital. She was until recently Director in Advent International and member of the global healthcare sector team. Raluca served on various Boards of portfolio companies, including Regina Maria for the last 6 years, one of the leading healthcare providers in Romania (sold by Advent at the end of 2015). She was leading or co-leading various transactions in sectors such as healthcare, retail, utilities, industrial and TMT. Raluca currently works together with a team of local private equity professionals to source, execute and monitor private equity deals on the Romanian market on behalf of PE funds. Raluca holds an MBA from HEC Montreal – ASE Bucharest joint program.

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

XX. Property Investment Forum

XX. Property Investment Forum

2024. szeptember 25.
Private Health Forum 2024

Private Health Forum 2024

2024. szeptember 26.
Future of Finance 2024

Future of Finance 2024

2024. szeptember 17.
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Hírek, eseményajánlók első kézből

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és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
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