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Vladimír Vaňo

Vállalat: Globsec
Beosztás: Chief Economist
Vladimir Vano is alumnus of Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien and Carlson School of Management. A laureate of the Rector’s Academic Award of Comenius University in Bratislava, he studied at its College of Management, and thanks to competitively won scholarships also at the College of Charleston, Georgetown and New York University. He also attended courses at Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (Russia), Sun Yat-Sen University (China) and Indian School of Business. His overseas professional experience comes from internships with economic think-tank NGO in Washington, D.C. and with the global headquarter of Merrill Lynch in New York City in 2001. Vladimir Vano’s experience with Central European economic development begun in the nineties with Deloitte&Touche. In 1999, he entered the financial sector as research assistant to the Chief Economist of Slovak branch of ING. Upon return from New York, he became the Head of Research with Treasury Division of Slovenska sporitelna. Since 2002, he is regular columnist on regional and global financial markets in economic and business magazine TREND. In 2011 and 2012 he served as external advisor for monetary affairs to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic. Since 2011 he is included on the list of vetted experts for public finance with the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). Since 2007, he assumed position of the Chief Analyst of Sberbank Slovensko and in July 2013, the board of Sberbank Europe AG appointed him to serve as Head of CEE Research Competence Center. Vladimir serves on the Committee for Macroeconomic Forecasts at the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, which operates under stipulations of the “Constitutional Act on Public Debt Ceiling”. Vladimir also serves on the Board of the Pontis Foundation in Bratislava, as well as on the International Alumni Board of the WU Executive Academy in Vienna. He is a regular lecturer for domestic and international universities as well as on international professional conferences.

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