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Róbert Tilki MRICS

Company: Robertson Hungary Kft.
Job title: Managing Director, MRICS
Robert Tilki received a postgraduate master’s degree in real estate science from the Technical University of Budapest and Nottingham Trent University (U.K.) in 2000. He has been engaged in real estate business since 1997 specialized in office leasing and investment. He is the MD of Robertson Hungary – based in Budapest, Hungary - since 2001. The company jointed the network of BNP Paribas Real Estate from 1st January 2013. His roles are to overview and supervise all departments’ (valuation and consultancy, research, office, marketing, retail and investment) and heads of departments’ activity. As a licensed real estate professional Mr. Tilki is actively engaged in the business of commercial real estate and has a creditable record in this field. His control on the company’s business through deals and consultancy services has grown the reputation of the company to the point that Robertson Hungary is one of the leaders in the Hungarian commercial real estate market, especially in the office leasing segment.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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