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Self-Reliance 2021

Date: 22nd September 2021  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest

08:00-08:25 REGISTRATION

Section I: Self-reliance and planning for the future in the shadow of the coronavirus

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

08:25 - 08:30

Welcome speech

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

08:30 - 08:50

What will the fourth wave bring in the Hungarian savings market?

Speaker: Dr. Csaba Kandrács, Vice President, MNB

08:50 - 09:40

Panel discussion: How do top Hungarian executives see the current situation of the savings market?

Conversation participants:

09:40 - 10:00

How good is it to grow old in Hungary?

Speaker: Kata Tisza, Expert in Intercultural Psychology, Executive Coach, TK CONSULTING

10:00 - 10:20

Coffee break

Section II: Wealth management and customer service at the highest level: Can Hungarian service providers come up with anything new?

Moderator: Krisztián Horváth, Partner, Boston Consulting Group

10:20 - 10:35

360-degree wealth management The role of Family Office in financial asset management

Speaker: István Illés, cégtárs és igazgatósági tag, Apelso Trust Zrt.

10:35 - 10:55

ESG asset management at the highest level – What example has Western Europe set?

Speaker: Bálint Fischer, Chief Business Development Officer, Dorsum

10:55 - 11:15

Investment funds' performance fees - What says the National Bank of Hungary?

Speaker: Dr. Gábor Laki, Director, Hungarian National Bank

11:15 - 11:30

Sustainable investments – Global trends and future dilemmas

Speaker: Sándor Vízkeleti, vezérigazgató, Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt., BAMOSZ elnök

11:30 - 12:20

Panel discussion: Wealth management and customer service: Can Hungarian service providers come up with anything new?

Conversation participants:

12:20 - 13:30

Lunch break

Section III: The future of regular savings – Will the willingness for self-reliance switch to a higher gear?

Moderator: Péter Kuruc, , EY

13:30 - 13:50

The role of regular savings in Hungarian's self-reliance attitude

Speaker: Győző Nyitrai, Director, OTP Bank

13:50 - 14:10

News and trends in the Hungarian pension market

Speaker: Dr. András Farkas, Founder - Editor in chief, NyugdíjGuru News

14:10 - 15:00

Panel discussion: The future of regular savings and self-reliance products as seen by market players

Conversation participants:

15:00 - 15:05

Closing remarks

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Fruzsina Koncsek
  • Fruzsina Koncsek
  • rendezvényszervező
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