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Lending 2018

Date: 18th April 2018  

Location: Hotel Hilton Budapest (Budai Vár)


  • Where do Hungarian banks stand? Roundtable of bank leaders
  • Blockchain and intelligent solutions in banking
  • Financing questions from the domestic companies’ viewpoint
  • Pricing and Sales in mortage
  • Project loans: business opportunities and risks
  • Consumer credit: is sky the limit?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bakonyi András
Deputy CEO for Corporate and Treasury
MKB Bank
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)
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Bánfalvi László
Managing Director
Otthon Centrum Hitel Center
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Barits János
Wyze Fintech Startup Studio
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Bernáth Tamás
Appeninn Holding Nyrt.
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Borbély Gábor
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Bruzsa Géza
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Ralf Cymanek
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
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Dr. Csorbai Hajnalka
Head of Strategy
Opten Kft.
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Darida Pál
Director of Financing and Transactions
Futureal Group
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Ditróy Gergely
Business Development Director
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Fatér Gyula
Head of Department
Budapest Bank
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Fazekas Roland
Carboferr Zrt.
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Felfalusi Péter
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Florova Anna
Managing Director, Retail Hitelezési Tribe
OTP Bank
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Fodor Tamás
Member of the Board
Sberbank Magyarország
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Freisleben Vilmos
National Bank of Hungary
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Győrfi Gábor
Director Business Development
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Hetényi Márk
Board Member
MKB Bank
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Hollósi Dávid
President , Board Member
Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
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Horváth Áron
ELTINGA / Lakás Riport
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Horváth Attila
Regional CFO
Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.
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Jelasity Radován
Chairman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO
Hungarian Banking Association, Erste Bank Hungary
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Kementzey Ferenc
Raiffeisen Bank
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Kereskényi Péter
Head of Real Estate, Acquisition and Syndicated Finance
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
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Komjáthy Csaba
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Kovács Szabolcs
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Kozma András
RiskCover Hungary Zrt.
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Krisán László
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Márkus Zsolt
General Manager
Garden Invest Zsana Kft.
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Mérth Balázs
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Pető Gábor
Financing and Transactions Director
Forestay Group
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Pilhál Zsolt
financial and transaction manager
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Rajna Gábor
Director of Sales Network & Support
K&H Bank
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Dr. Schweizer Edina
Partner - Head of CEE Banking and Finance
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Szerdahelyi Róbert
Head of SME Business / SME Directorate
Erste Bank
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Vida József
Opus Global Nyrt.
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Wolf László
Member of the Board, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
OTP Bank Plc., Commercial Banking Division
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Zolnai György
Raiffeisen Bank

Why you should come?

While 2016 had been the turning point, 2017 was the boom year of lending in Hungary. The low interest rate environment puts pressure on banks to improve their operational efficiency with the help of boosting the lending volume, now more than ever. Their efforts are supported by from the side of credit demand: it was just ten years ago that domestic populace and the corporate sector had shown such great need of bank funding.

Due to the improving prospects of the lending market, those who will come to Hilton Budapest Royal Castle on 18th April, can expect an event that attracts considerable public interest. Along with the economic policy decision makers, the cream of the banking sector and the experts of the leasing market will be present, in addition to the representatives of the partner fields (brokered markets, real estate sector, consultants). Aside the sparkling professional exchange of views, the conference will provide an excellent opportunity for networking.

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Who we recommend

  • Managers of financial instituions,
  • Participants of the credit intermediation market,
  • Representatives of regulatory authorities,
  • Advisors,
  • Lawyers,
  • Investors,
  • Investment funds,
  • Professionals of state and supervisory organizations,
  • Representatives of professional organizations.

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with


AC Innovatiqua Kft., Adecco Kft., Aegon Befektetési Alapkezelő, Aegon Magyarország Lakástakarékpénztár Zrt., Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány, Asseco Central Europe Magyarország Zrt., B2Kapital Zrt., BISZ Zrt., Bank of China (Hungária) Zrt., Baromfi-Coop Kft., Benks-Hyper Kft., Bisnode D&B Magyarország Kft., Budapest Bank Zrt., Budapest Institute of Banking Zrt., Budapest Lízing Zrt., Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt., CARDIF Biztosító Zrt., CBRE, CIB Bank Zrt., CTP Management Hungary Kft., Carboferr Zrt. , Deloitte Kft., Deloitte Legal, Deloitte Zrt., Dél TAKARÉK Szövetkezet, ELTINGA / Lakás Riport, EOS FAKTOR Zrt., EXIM (Eximbank Zrt., MEHIB Zrt.), Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Eurolex Consulting, Eximbank Zrt., FINALYSE - Kockázatkezelési Tanácsadás, Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, Five Degrees, Futureal,

Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt., IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft., ING Bank Magyarország, Infogroup-csoport, International Personal Finance, Intrum Justitia Zrt., Jalsovszky Ügyvédi Iroda, K&H Bank Zrt., KAVOSZ Zrt., KDB Bank Európa Zrt., KNK PR, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Kavosz Zrt., Loxon Solutions Zrt., MKB Bank Zrt., Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Egyesület, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt., Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Mastercard, Microsoft, Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda, Noerr, OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt., Oberbank AG Magyarországi Fióktelep, Opten Kft., Otthon Centrum Hitel Center, Pressinform Kft., Property Market Kft., Provident Pénzügyi Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Referendum Kft., RiskCover Hungary Zrt., Sabinatex, Sberbank Magyarország Zrt., Start Garancia Zrt., Takarék Csoport, Takarékbank Zrt., Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Veresi Paradicsom Kft., WyzeMe


Organisation, general questions

Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:


Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:
Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:
Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:


István Palkó
  • István Palkó
  • Senior Analyst
  • Phone: 06/1 428 90 65
  • Email:
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