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Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary 2009 Conference

Date: 7th May 2009  

Location: Hotel Intercontinental, Budapest, Hungary


  • Merre tart a magyar bankszektor?
  • Verseny vagy szabályozás? - Ki védi meg az ügyfeleket és a bankokat saját maguktól?
  • Termék(vissza)fejlesztés - Mivel lehet 2009-ben életképes egy bank?
  • Tudnak-e újat nyújtani az ügynökhálózatok a bankoknak?
  • Hol a döntés és hol a kockázat az értékesítésben?
  • Mennyire romlik a lakosság általános fizetőképessége?
  • Hogyan kezeljük a devizahiteleseket?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Dr. Balogh Imre
MKB Bank Zrt.
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Bártfai-Mager Andrea
Gazdasági Versenyhivatal
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Biró Péter
ügyvezető igazgató
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Dr. Farkas István
a Felügyeleti Tanács elnöke
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Dr. Felcsuti Péter
Bankszövetség korábbi elnöke
Raiffeisen Bank korábbi vezérigazgatója
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Füzes Sándor
AXA Bank Europe SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe
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James Graham
vezető ügyvéd
Morley Allen & Overy Iroda
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Gyuris Dániel
OTP Jelzálogbank
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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Jurányi Gábor
UCB Ingatlanhitel Zrt.
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Dr. Király Júlia
IBS Budapest
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Kosztolánczy György
Otthon Centrum Holding
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Kovács Zoltán
Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.
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Dr. Surd Kováts
vizsgáló irodavezető-helyettes
Gazdasági Versenyhivatal
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Nagy Ferenc
K&H Bank
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Dr. Nagy Gyula
FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt.
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Orbán Róbert
Árverező Ház Zrt.
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Dr. Sahin-Tóth Balázs
vezető ügyvéd
Morley Allen & Overy Iroda
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Dr. Simon Zsolt
lakossági termékfejlesztési igazgató
Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.
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Szentpétery Csaba
vezérigazgató-helyettes, lakossági üzletágvezető
Budapest Bank
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Tátrai Bernadett
President - CEO, President of the Board
Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt.

Why you should come?

The Mortgage Lending and Home Financing conference is being held for the third time in Hungary. The prestigious professional forum showcases Hungarian commercial banks, regulators and sales networks in order to seek the answers to questions concerning current product development, sales and regulations, while revealing the opportunities provided by the new environment. Since the highly successful conference in 2008, the world has taken a great turn, and this makes the conference especially timely and important among Portfolio.hu's events.

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary Conference 2009:

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Our Sponsors


While until the fall of 2008, the emphasis fell on strengthening sales networks and finding the upper limit of risk, in 2009, the sector is undergoing the largest crisis of the past decade. Due to the partial drying up of banks' foreign currency sources, they have significantly tightened their lending, which may result in a different, smaller client base and a radical change in sales. While financing continues to hang over the head of the sector like the sword of Damocles, a new problem has also reared its head: the significant weakening in the forint's exchange rate could put previously safe, well-paying debtors into a difficult situation.

Which way is the Hungarian bank sector headed? Will there be financing? Which way is product development headed? What will happen to sales channels, especially to agents? Will non-payment become more common? How to handle debtors who fail to pay due to their own fault and those who fail to pay due to factors outside themselves? Portfolio.hu's conference is looking for the answers to these questions with the help of the sector's larger players and regulators.

Highlighted topics:

• Which way is the Hungarian bank sector headed?
• Competition or regulations? - Who will protect clients and banks from themselves?
• Product (un)development - How can a bank remain viable in 2009?
• Can real estate agency networks offer banks anything new?
• Where is the decision and where is the risk in sales?
• How much will people's general ability to pay decrease?
• How to handle foreign currency debtors?

The target audience:

Our conference can provide useful information to:
1. middle and top management of financial institutions dealing in retail lending;
2. players on the sales side of the sector;
3. investors on the real estate market.

The Event:

DATE: Thursday, May 7, 2009.
PLACE: Hotel Intercontinental, Budapest
(1052 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 12-14.)

Hotel Information, Map & Location


Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.

The target group of our conference is the middle and top managers of retail lenders, all those taking part in the sales process and property investors.

The Portfolio.hu conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.

Some Speakers’ sentences about topics:

" Mortgage finance is a strategic product offered by universal commercial banks both to their corporate and retail customers. It is ironic that the current crisis has developed from this product segment generally considered strategic and more importantly one of the safest. This fact carries important messages for the banks that they should upgrade their know-how especially in the field of risk management, collateral evaluation and collection. Of course the customers have something to learn as well, after all they make their own decisions and ultimately bear the consequences for such decisions. And finally I believe the authorities will also learn from the present crisis and will force more transparency upon the market participants first of all as far as customer information and product innovation are concerned.
There is no doubt that the crisis will pass one day and mortgage finance in Hungary will start to grow again and the above learning process in which every participant should have its own share will hopefully contribute to a phase of development which perhaps shall be less dynamic or profitable but hopefully healthier."

Dr. Péter Felcsuti Chairman, Hungarian Banking Association

"The residential property sector has also been hardly hit by the worldwide recession. There are many rather pessimistic views on the existing and future risks of mortgage lending. The Hungarian Mortgage Bank Association has started the LGD projekt in 2007, well before the financial storm has hit the region. The most important output of the LGD project is the possibility of measuring aggregate recovery rates for defaulted loans from the proceeds of the realization of the property collateral.
What type of data are collected by the participating banks, what is the use of the common data base? The first lessons to be learned from the project."

Dr. Gyula Nagy, Executive Director, FHB Mortgage Bank Plc.

" Even defensive sectors like utilities and telecom companies can not escape from the negative impacts of the global financial crises. Díjbeszedő Group, as one of the largest purchaser of utility related retail debts in Hungary, has first hand impressions on the difficulties the households are facing in today’s challenging environment. While the collection of ongoing and overdue retail debts is getting more difficult, utilities, telecom companies and financial institutions are pouring unprecedented amount of bad debts onto the market. The question today is how the pressure will increase on households and how many of them will face significant liquidity problems in the near future?"

Zoltán Kovács, CEO, Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.

"One year ago nobody thought that this will be one of the main topics in this conference. The world is completely changed, the participants, the costumers and this situation requires paradigm changes from everybody."

Dr. Zsolt Simon, Director of Division, Erste Bank

Additional Information:

Program - Zoltán BÁN, chief analyst, Phone: +00 36 1/428-9090, e-mail: ban@portfolio.hu

Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy CEO / Sales, Phone: +00 36 1/327-4088, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary Conference 2009:


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Portfolio.hu Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary 2009 Conference


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