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Property Valuation 2012 - February 16, 2012

Date: 16th February 2012  

Location: Ramada Plaza Hotel, Budapest, Hungary


  • Makrogazdasági kilátások: válságban az országok, pánikolnak a piacok
  • Ingatlanárazás elhúzódó recessziós időszakban
  • Mi befolyásolja az árazási szinteket 2012-ben?
  • Árazási gyakorlat Londonban - Hogyan látják Magyarországot a befektetők?
  • Varsó az álompiac? - Túlárazott -e a lengyel főváros?
  • Bedőlt ingatlanok értékelése: mit csinálnak a bankok?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Timothy Ash
Head of EM research
Blue Bay Asset Management
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Baross Pál FRICS
Senior Strategy Advisor
Greenbors Consulting Kft.
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Csoma András MRICS
CEO, Founder
Vestin Equity Ltd.
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Duronelly Péter CFA
Senior Portfolio Manager
Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Hegedűs Orsolya MRICS
Associate, RICS Registered Valuer, Head of Advisory & Head of Research Budapest
Cushman & Wakefield
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Dr. Hermán Róbert MRICS
Managing Partner
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Hornok Krisztián MRICS
Managing Director, International Transactions and Asset Management
Indotek Group
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Kádár Péter
Restructuring Property Finance
Unicredit Bank
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Kákosy Zsolt MBA MRICS
Senior Director, Head of Property Management
Icon Real Estate Management Kft.
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Limp Adrián MRICS
Partner, Head of Valuation & Advisory – Hungary
Cushman & Wakefield
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Robert Mayhew FRICS
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Nyeste Zsolt
Vezető Vállalati Ügyfélmenedzser
Erste Bank
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O’ Sullivan Tim MRICS
Senior Director, Head of Capital Markets
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Pilhál Zsolt
financial and transaction manager
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Rábai György MRICS
Partner, Managing Director
Prophex Europe Consulting
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Sarlós Nóra MRICS
MFB-Ingatlanfejlesztő Zrt.
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Otis Spencer MRICS
Chief Investment Officer
P3 Logistic Parks
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Péter Számely MRICS
Head of Real Estate Finance CEE
HYPO NOE / RICS Austria Ambassador
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John Verpeleti FRICS
Chairman of the Management Board – Eastern Europe
Colliers International
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Levkanic Viktor
Igazgatóság tagja
Slavia Capital

Why you should come?

A date for your diary. On the afternoon of 16 February 2012, RICS Magyarország in cooperation with Portfolio will hold a half day valuation conference to addres key issues around "Property valuation". The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to hear the latest developments in the global valuation profession, and an overview of European and global commercial property market performance. Our speakers will share their thoughts and experience in three panel discussions rather than giving individual presentations.

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Our Sponsors


In association with

A date for your diary. On the afternoon of 16 February 2012, RICS Magyarország in cooperation with Portfolio will hold a half day valuation conference to addres key issues around "Property valuation".

The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to hear the latest developments in the global valuation profession, and an overview of European and global commercial property market performance. Our speakers will share their thoughts and experience in three panel discussions rather than giving individual presentations.


• Pál Baross FRICS, Chairman, RICS Magyarország
• Robert Mayhew FRICS, Director, Board member, RICS Europe, JLL UK
• Krisztián Hornok MRICS, Board Member, RICS Hungary
• John Verpeleti FRICS, Managing Director, Colliers International CEE Investment Services
• Otis Spencer MRICS, Co-Head of Europe, Heitman
• Róbert Hermán Dr. MRICS, Portico Investment
• Tim O’Sullivan MRICS, Head of Capital Markets, CB Richard Ellis
• Péter Duronelly CFA, Investment Director, Budapest Alapkezelő
• Timothy Ash, Chief Analyst, Royal Bank of Scotland

• Zsolt Kákosy MRICS, Managing Director, Sam-Lak Kft.
• Adrián Limp MRICS, Associate Director - Head of Valuation, DTZ
• András Csoma MRICS, Managing Director, Biggeorge’s-NV, Budapest (HU)
• György Rábai MRICS, Senior Manager in the Real Estate, Leisure and Tourism Group, KPMG
• Krisztián Hornok MRICS, Board Member, RICS Hungary
• Péter Számely MRICS, Head of CEE, Hypo NOE
• Nóra Sarlós MRICS, Senior manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers
• Hegedűs Orsolya MRICS, Associate - Valuation Advisory & Research Services, Cushman & Wakefield
• Péter Kádár, Restructuring Property Finance, Unicredit Bank
• Viktor Levkanic, Board member, Slavia Capital
• Zsolt Nyeste, Senior Account Manager, Erste Bank
• Zsolt Pilhál, Managing Partner, Reconcept Investment and Consulting Kft., Budapest (HU)

DATE: February 16, 2012. Property Valuation 2012 (13.00-16.30), RICS Annual Meeting (17:00-20:00)

LOCATION: Ramada Plaza Hotel, Budapest
1036 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 94. (Hungary) - Hotel Information, MAP & Location

COST: HUF 29,900 + VAT / person


- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more,
- 25% for RICS members
Discounts can not be combined.


AEW Central Europe Magyarországi Fióktelepe, American Appraisal Magyarország Vagyonértékelő Kft., ATALIAN Global Services, Biggeorge’s-NV Ingatlan Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., BNP Paribas Real Estate Magyarország Tanácsadó és Intatlankezelő Zrt., Budapest Alapkezelő, CA Immo Hungary Kft., Carion Consulting Kft., CB Richard Ellis, CBRE Kft., CBS Property Zrt., CCE Hungary Kft., CD Hungary Zrt., CODIC Hungary Kft., Colliers International Serbia, Colliers Magyarország Kft., Cushman & Wakefield, Deloitte Könyvvizsgáló és Tanácsadó Kft., Dexia, Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt., DTZ, Dr. Berdár Béla, ECE Projektmanagement Budapest, EFG Property Services, ELTINGA Ingatlanpiaci Kutatóközpont, Energia Tipp Kft., ERNST & YOUNG Tanácsadó Kft., Erste Bank, Eston International Zrt., Euro-Immo Szakértői Kft., FHB Ingatlan Zrt., Futureal, Generali-Ingatlan Kft., Gestor Ingatlan Tanácsadó Kft., GLL Real Estate Partners GmbH, GVA Robertson Hungary Kft., Heitman, Horváth és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG, Hypo NOE, IDD Budapest Kft., K&H Bank Zrt., Kinstellar Business Services s.á.r.l. Magyarországi Fióktelep, Korona Kredit Zrt., Kővári Tercsák Salans Ügyvédi Iroda, KPMG Hungaria Kft., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt., Makosz Kft., MKB Bank Zrt., MOL Nyrt., MS Chano GmbH, Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda, OTP Ingatlan Alapkezelő Zrt., OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt., Otthon Help Kft., P.G.Limes Kft., Pacific Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft., PERI Kft., Portico Investments Kft., PRESTIGE IMMO Kft., PricewaterhouseCoopers, PSZÁF, Reconcept Investment and Consulting Kft., RICS Europe, JLL UK, RICS Magyarország, Royal Bank of Scotland, Sam-Lak Kft., SIGMA Portfóliókezelő és Ingatlantanácsadó Kft., Slavia Capital, Surveyor Consulting Kft., TBP Zrt., Tesco Global Áruházak Zrt., The Four Capital Group, TriGranit Fejlesztési Zrt., TriGranit Management Zrt., Unicredit Bank, VLK Consulting Kft., Volumetric Magyarország Kft. ...


- Csanád CSÜRÖS, Analyst, phone: +36 1/428-9098, e-mail: csuros@portfolio.hu

- Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, phone: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu
- Gábor BALATON, Key-Account Manager, phone: 327-4089, e-mail: balaton@portfolio.hu,

Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu

Some pictures about Property Valuation 2012, 16 February, 2012. (Click to enlarge)


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Portfolio.hu - RICS Property Valuation 2012 (February 16, 2012)

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