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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák



Anne Benoit

igazgató, vezető stratéga
Société Générale
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Péter Benyó

Payments Tribe Director
OTP Bank
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Ákos Beöthy

senior research associate
Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research
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László Bérczi MRICS

RICS Magyarország
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Balázs Berecz

Founder, CEO
Access4You International Kft.
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Kristóf Berecz

Vice president of the board, CEO
BIF Nyrt.
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Krisztián Berecz

Head of Business Development
SEON Technologies Kft.
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Anna Bereczki

COO and Cofounder
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Tamás Bereczki CISM, CRISC, CIPP/E.

Lawyer, Partner
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Zoltán Bereczki

BNP Paribas Alapkezelő
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András Berendi

Roland Divatház Zrt.
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László Berentés

Groupama Biztosító
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Attila Berényi

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Gábor Berényi

Smart Solar Kft.
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Konrád Berényi

vezető tanácsadó
Onlinemarketing.hu Kft.
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Zsolt Berényi

Group Development Director
GTC Magyarország Zrt.
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Zsolt Berényi

Acquisition and Development Director
HB Reavis
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Judit Berényi Üveges

researcher, project leader
Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
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József Béres

Deputy CEO for Transmission Grid
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Dr. Péter Berethalmi

Managing Partner
Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda
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Gábor Berkes

Cargill Magyarország Zrt.
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Gergő Berki

Business Unit Manager
TOPdesk Magyarország
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Dr. János Berki J.

International Office Sales And Asset Management Director
Futureal Development
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Filip Berkowski

Investment Partner
MCI Capital
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Tamás Bernáth

Appeninn Holding Nyrt.
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Angelus Bernreuther

Head of Investor Relationship Management
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Imre Bertalan

Humánerőforrás Gazdálkodási Igazgatóság
OTP Bank
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Sándor Bertalan

Executive Director, Middle-sized corporates
MBH Bank
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Zsolt Bertalan

Chief Technology Innovation Officer
MVM Zrt.
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Nikolaus Bethlen

Mid Europa Partners
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