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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák



Dana Bordei

Commercial Manager
WDP Romania
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Tamás Bori

Foreign Trade Director
Nagykun 2000 Mezőgazdasági Zrt.
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István Böröcz

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Gergely Boromisza

Agroninja Kft.
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András Boros MRICS

Head of Real Estate Management
HETA Asset Resolution
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Prof. Dr. Anita Boros

Head of the Analysis Centre
Centre for Circular Economy Analysis and Knowledge founded by Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE)
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Áron Boros

Managing Director
OTP Hungaro-Projekt
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Áron Boros

MKB Consulting Kft
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Árpád Boros

Country Manager Hungary and Romania
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László Attila Boros

ügyvezető igazgató
Gyula Várfürdő
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Robin Boros

PKI and IT security specialist
Telekom Hungary
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Dr. Zoltán Boros

Észak-dunántúli régió hitelengedélyezési szakértő
OTP Bank Nyrt.
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Norbert Boross

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Zsolt Borsányi

Gas portfolio management director
Elmű-Émász Energiakereskedő Kft.
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Krisztina Borsi

Business Analyst
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László Borsos

Marketing Manager
Pioneer Hi-Bred Magyarország Kft.
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Gyula Borszéki

XIII. Kerület Önkormányzata
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Norbert Borvendégh

Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
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Dr. Gábor Borza

ING Biztosító Zrt., ING Pénztárszolgáltató Zrt.
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Veronika Börzsei-Knoll

CEO and Owner
Emineo Magánkórház
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Attila Bosnyák

Aviva Életbiztosító Zrt.
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Szilvia Bősze

ASPA Kft. – Advanced Sustainability Performance Advisors
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András Both

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Csaba Bőthe

Managing Director
Magyar Innovációs Szövetség
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Andrei Botis MRICS

Romania Green Building Council
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Balázs Botlik

Product Owner
Global Markets
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Bálint Botos CFA

Managing Partner
Forestay RE Fund Management
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Dr. Barbara Botos

Ambassador-at-large for Climate
Cabinet of Secretariat of Energy and Climate Policy, Ministry for Energy
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dr. Viktor Botos

ügyvezető igazgató
Hipavilon Magyar Szellemi Tulajdon Ügynökség
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dr. Balázs Bottyán

Smart-Lab Consulting Co-founder and Managing Director (former Managing Director of Jedlik Ányos Klaszter)
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