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Portfolio Agrofuture 2024

Sustainability and Innovation in Agriculture



The AGROFUTURE 2024 conference will be held at the same venue as our AGROFOOD 2024 conference on the 23nd of May, and interested attendees can purchase 50% discounted tickets for HUF 59,400 + VAT/person.

You can indicate your intention to participate by entering the code "AGRO PASS" in the comment field on the second page of the online registration form.

Confirmation and a fee request for the AGROFUTURE 2024 conference will be sent to you in a separate email within a few days.


By using the code AGRO PASS, you explicitly consent to the Organiser recording your registration for the AgroFood Conference using the data provided during this registration based on the discounted terms outlined above.


  • EU sustainability objectives and requirements in the agricultural economy
  • Agrarian subsidies tied to sustainability and environment goals in the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • The effects of agriculture – crop production and animal husbandry – on climate change
  • Changes to the requirements needed to comply with the Agri-environmental Programme (AEP) under the first pillar of the CAP
  • A criteria system of the right agricultural and environmental conditions
  • Agri-Environment Schemes (AES) and organic farming support in the Rural Development Programme
  • Tenders and developments for increasing energy efficiency in agriculture, bank financing possibilities
  • Agribusiness solutions for using renewable energy sources
  • Hungarian perspectives on organic farming
  • Possibilities and advantages of no-till cultivation in Hungary
  • Animal welfare efforts and regulatory changes in the European Union
  • The most important characteristics of sustainable foraging
  • Climate change’s effect on the agriculture of the world and Hungary
  • The role of local agricultural products in achieving sustainability objectives
  • Irrigation development possibilities in Hungary, grant applications
  • Sustainability trends in input use in agriculture, new products
  • Sustainability conditions for plant protection and fertilisation
  • Agricultural trade of carbon dioxide quotas
  • The impact of climate change on plant breeding and seed use
  • The correlation between precision farming and sustainability
  • Main trends and directions for agribusiness innovation developments
  • The most important innovation efforts in crop production and animal husbandry
  • The spread of robotics and automation in agriculture
  • The role of agricultural digitalisation and artificial intelligence in agribusiness
  • Digitalisation subsidies in Hungarian agriculture, the significance of the Digital Agriculture Strategy (DAS)
  • Circular farming opportunities in Hungary

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Balázs Viktor
Field Expert
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Balla Zoltán
Marton Genetics-Elitmag Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)
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Barabási Antal
Managing Director
Robotic Management
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Bene Dániel
Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda
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Berényi Üveges Judit
researcher, project leader
Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
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Bori Tamás
Foreign Trade Director
Nagykun 2000 Mezőgazdasági Zrt.
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Bozán Csaba
Head of Research Centre
MATE KÖTI Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Kutatóközpont
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Czompó Krisztián
Feed formulation manager
Bonafarm Bábolna Feed
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Csorbai Attila
Baromfi Termék Tanács
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Demeter Zoltán
Head of Agribusiness Development Department
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Fehér Róbert
8G Energy
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Fehérvári Sándor
Agronomy & Technology Head Europe
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Fekete György
Head of Research Centre
MATE Körforgásos Gazdaság Elemző Központ
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Feldman Zsolt
State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Gulyás Levente
Head Of Department
Hungarian State Treasury
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Hadászi László
Director General Innovation
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Hazafi László
agriculture journalist
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Koszty Viktor
Regional Representative Hungary
Agreena ApS
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Kovács Norbert
Nemzeti Ménesbirtok és Tangazdaság
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Lukács Domonkos
Category Marketing Manager, Herbicides
Corteva Agriscience
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Mezei Dávid
Head of Unit
MBH Bank
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Mezőszentgyörgyi Dávid
Managing Director
Juh és Kecske Ágazati Szakmaközi Szervezet
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Nemes Imre
Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal
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Parádi István
Assistant Professor
Eötvös Loránd University, Executive of ExperiPlant Ltd.
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Petőházi Tamás
Chamber Department Chair
President of the Grain Producer’s Association - Hungary
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Petri Bernadett
Executive Director
Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI)
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Polgár Péter
Associate Professor
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Állattenyésztési Tudományok Intézet
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Stündl László
Debrecen University
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Szabó István
Professor, Director of the Institute
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Műszaki Intézet
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Szabó Levente
director of projects / Business Solution Directorate
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Szabó Attila
TMG - Association of Soil Renewal Farmers
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Szalkai Gábor
Public Relations and Sustainability Manager
Bayer Hungaria
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Szanka Nikoletta
Commercial manager
Indigo Agriculture Hungary
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Szendi Jenő
Irrigation Business Unit Director
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Szentpáli Szilárd
General Director
Bonafarm Agriculture
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Szigeti Szabolcs
Hungarian Land Centre
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Szólláth Tibor Zoltán
Hajdú-Bihar county chairman
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Vajda Péter
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Varga Péter Miklós
Permanent Expert
Cibus Hungaricus Foundation

Why you should come?

The Portfolio Group’s Agrofuture Conference summarises the sustainability requirements and innovation possibilities of the domestic agricultural economy in a unique, thematic format. The European Union’s agricultural regulations and provisions, the fight against climate change, and altering social and consumer expectations towards agriculture are creating a situation that requires a fundamentally new approach and production practices in the domestic agricultural economy. The conference wishes to contribute to introducing the new challenges to the actors in agriculture, and thus to help them meet the increasingly demanding sustainability criteria. This is now a major issue in terms of accessing funds as the European Union is linking an increasing share of agricultural and rural development support to environmental and sustainability requirements; thus, the conference will also discuss in detail how farmers can access the most resources under the new conditions.

The event will further present innovation trends, products, and technologies which Hungarian agricultural players must be familiar with and utilise to increase their competitiveness. Modernisation has accelerated in agriculture to such an extent that agribusinesses must follow up with innovation changes more seriously and faster. The conference aims to present agricultural innovation results with the highest economic benefits to the actors in the sector and help them to be up-to-date in the applicability of innovative products and technologies, and to achieve better farming results with their use for their successful economic and business activities.

ATTENTION CONSULTANTS – EVENT RECOMMENDED BY THE HUNGARIAN CHAMBER OF AGRICULTURE! You can get 4 points for participating in the event. (Registration is required on-site to validate the credit point!)

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • licensed farmers, family farmers, entrepreneurs
  • agricultural joint ventures
  • food companies
  • commercial and food retail businesses
  • agribusiness startups
  • energy suppliers
  • enterprises interested in agri-innovation
  • banks, financial organisations, and insurers
  • agricultural machinery distributors
  • input production and distribution companies
  • agricultural integrators
  • agricultural professional organisations and interest groups
  • and those who want to expand their network of connections, look for business and networking possibilities

Our Sponsors

Main professional partner

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Main Media Partner

Media Partner

Official car rental partner

Accessibility Partner


Organisation, general questions

Noémi Steckel
  • Noémi Steckel
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4383
  • Email:


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Phone: 428-9094
  • Email:
Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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