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Portfolio CEE Private Equity and Corporate Finance Conference 2014

Date: 13th May 2014  

Location: SOFITEL Hotel, Budapest

Experiences of successful and success hungry entrepreneurs

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

09:00 - 09:05

Welcoming of guests and introduction

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

09:05 - 09:30

Opening presentation

Speaker: Dr. Bertalan Meskó, Medical Futurist

09:30 - 10:00

Thought provoking conversation about success and the road to it


10:00 - 10:40

Company structuring and exit - Harder than we think?


10:40 - 11:00

Coffee break

Acquisitional panorama - Encouraging signs in the market

Moderator: Béla Seres, Deloitte EMEA Corporate Finance Advisory Leader, Deloitte

11:00 - 11:20

Entry or Exit? What is the engine of CEE transaction market?

Speaker: Béla Seres, Deloitte EMEA Corporate Finance Advisory Leader, Deloitte

11:20 - 11:35

Case study: Egis acquisition and IPO


11:35 - 11:55

Exit into the capital market? - Why do we need a well functioning IPO market?

Speaker: Attila Tóth, általános vezérigazgató-helyettes, Budapesti Értéktőzsde

11:55 - 12:05

Case study: Prohuman transaction

Speaker: János Kõvágó, befektetési igazgató, Széchenyi Alapok

12:05 - 12:45

To what extent is our M&A market separated from the region?


12:45 - 14:00

Lunch break

Warning for venture capital investors

Moderator: Dr sandor, President and Chief Executive Officer, DBH Investment

14:00 - 14:20

More hunters than seals? - The experiences of the Jeremie-program

Speaker: Balázs Garamvölgyi, vezérigazgató, MBH Forrás Pénzügyi Tanácsadó és Vállalkozásfejlesztési Zrt.

14:20 - 14:30

Is fast company growth predictable from statistical data?

Speaker: Gábor Békés, Research Fellow, Adjunct, MTA KRTK Institute of Economics, CEU

14:30 - 15:05

Successes and failures - Warning signs in sectors of crucial importance


15:05 - 15:45

Panel discussion: Quick and delicious - Investment opportunities on the table


15:45 - 16:10

Coffee break

Distressed SME sector through the capital investor’s eye

Moderator: András Zsolt Szabics, Analyst, Portfolio

16:10 - 16:30

How does a regional entity invest?

Speaker: Richárd Pertics, céginformációs vezető, Opten

16:30 - 17:20

Panel discussion: Value enhancement by restructuring


17:20 - 17:25

Closing remarks

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