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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Private Health Forum 2023

Date: 19th September 2023  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest



Section I.: How can/should state and private healthcare coexist

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

08:55 - 09:00

Welcome speech

Speaker: Gergely Csiki, Chief editor, Portfolio

09:00 - 09:40

In transformation – Which way is ahead? Mini panel discussion with Hungarian experts with a view on international trends.

Moderator: Dr Attila Végh, CEO, Eurohealth Ltd.

Conversation participants:

09:40 - 09:45

Panel opening speech

Speaker: Dr. Lajos Károly Fábián, társelnök, Vállalkozók és Munkáltatók Országos Szövetsége (VOSZ), Egészségügyi Tagozat elnöke, társ-alapító részvényes és elnök, TritonLife Csoport

09:45 - 10:40

The present and future of Hungarian healthcare

Moderator: Gergely Csiki, Chief editor, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

  • Dr. Szabolcs Békássy, Chairman of Primary Care and Dental Care Section, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
  • Dr. István Csernavölgyi, Chairman of Inpatient Care Section, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
  • János Gyarmati, Chairman of Diagnostic Section, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
  • Dr. András Kirschner, Chairman of Outpatient and Occupational Health Care Section, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
  • Dr. Tamás Rádai, Chairman of Healthcare Technology Section, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
  • Dr. Ottó Skorán, Chairman of Healthcare Innovation and Informatics, Healthcare Department, National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers


Coffee break and Networking


Section II.: After 2023, have we only just begun?

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

10:55 - 11:10

The transparent and efficient coexistence of public and private healthcare services – the example of Szeged.

Speaker: Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor, Szegedi Tudományegyetem

11:10 - 11:25

Where does the Hungarian patient heal and how much does it cost? Why and how does one choose a private service provider?

Speaker: Balázs Kertész, Managing Director, Consultant - Owner, Szinapszis Market Research & Consulting

11:25 - 11:40

The digital transformation of private healthcare service providers

Speaker: Péter Gáspár, CEO, Medio MedTech Zrt.

11:40 - 12:30

Competition in the private healthcare market: for the patients, for the doctor – Leaders’ roundtable discussion

Moderator: Fanni Straub, alapító, ügyvezető, FoglaljOrvost.hu

Conversation participants:

  • Dr. László Babai, Founder, CEO, Prima Medica EgészségKözpont
  • Róbert Lancz, Owner and CEO, Doktor24 Csoport, President, Primus Magán Egészségügyi Szolgáltatók Egyesület
  • Dr. Kornél Papik, Managing Director, Dr. Rose Magánkórház
  • Dr. Miklós Soós, Owner, managing director, Istenhegyi Géndiagnosztika Cégcsoport Auro-Science Consulting Kft.


Lunch break


Section III.: It can’t be done alone

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

13:30 - 13:45

The impact of the crisis on the structure of healthcare expenditures, what can private healthcare expect?

Speaker: Dr. Péter Váradi, Managing Director, Prémium Pénztárcsoport, Prémium Pénztárszolgáltató Kft.

13:45 - 14:00

Forms of financing as incentives of market growth

Speaker: Péter Karli, Co-owner, Heal Partners

14:00 - 14:15

How long can it be unprofitable? Health insurance market in 2023 - new solutions on the horizon!

Speaker: Iván Balázs, Insurance Expert, Balazsivan.hu

14:15 - 15:05

How does the patient recover in the Hungarian healthcare system? - A roundtable discussion

Moderator: János Bartók, CEO, UNION-Érted Ellátásszervező Kft.

Conversation participants:


Coffee break and Networking


Section IV. : Modern technologies in service of patients

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

15:20 - 15:35

The Legal Challenges of Applying Artificial Intelligence in the HealthTech World

Speaker: dr. János Kopasz, laywer, Taylor Wessing Hungary

15:35 - 15:50

Human-Centered Healthcare? - Research by GE Healthcare

Speaker: Szvilen Földvári Jutas,

15:50 - 16:05

Code & Care - Digital transformation in private healthcare

Speaker: Dóra Szabó, Head of Marketing and Innovation, Prima Medica Group

16:05 - 16:55

From healthcare maze to digital and online solutions - Is this already a reality in Hungary?

Moderator: Dr. András Kulja,

Conversation participants:

Networking & Champagne

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Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Gergely Csiki
  • Gergely Csiki
  • Kapcsolattartó
  • Phone: 428-9062
  • Email:
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