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Hiventures - Portfolio SME Capital Financing 2019

Date: 17th October 2019  

Location: New York Palace Budapest


  • Government and EU money in the European VC market
  • Enterprise Strategy - Capital Market Presence
  • Capitalization and commercialization of university-based innovations
  • Az MFB Csoport és a Hiventures megoldásai a KKV-finanszírozás terén.
  • Gyakorlati segítség a hazai KKV-k számára innovációs pályázatok, bizalmi vagyonkezelés, adózás, családi öröklés,

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Andorka Miklós
Strategic Director
MAPI Hungarian Development Agency
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Ascsillán Endre
Vice President
GE in Hungary
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Balogh Levente
President, Owner
Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Csiki Gergely
Chief editor
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Csoma András MRICS
CEO, Founder
Vestin Equity Ltd.
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Dráfi György
Investment Director
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Dymschiz Guy
Co-Founder and Co-CEO
Duna House Group
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Dr. Erdei Márton
Operatív vezető
Deloitte Private
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Farkas József
Managing Director
Sanatmetal Kft.
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dr. Göndöcz Péter
Deloitte Legal
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Dr. György László
State Secretariat for Economic Planning and Regulation
Ministry for Innovation and Technology
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Jákli Gergely
CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Paks II. Nuclear Power Plant
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dr. Juhász Edit
Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
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Katona Bence
President, CEO
Nemzeti Tőkeholding
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Dr. Kóka Gábor
Deloitte Private
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Kovács Zoltán
Managing Director
Rekontir BPM
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Krisán László
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dr. Lovretity András
VJT & Partners Ügyvédi Iroda
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Máté-Tóth István
Deputy CEO of Business Development
Budapest Stock Exchange
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Mikesy Álmos
Deputy CEO
Gránit Alapkezelő
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Nyemecz Zoltán
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Oláh Gábor
Founder and CEO
Capture Group
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Alex Papadimitropulosz
Managing Director
Via Credit
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Dr. Radácsi László
BGE Budapest LAB
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Siklósi Zoltán
ügyvezető igazgató
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Dr. Sipos-Tompa Levente
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
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Szekeres Viktor
Gloster Infokommunikációs Kft.
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Szendrői Gábor
Deputy Chairman of the European Council
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Szerdahelyi Róbert
Head of SME Business / SME Directorate
Erste Bank
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Dr. Varga János Tamás
Managing Partner
VJT & Partners Ügyvédi Iroda
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Weinhardt Attila
Senior Analyst

Why you should come?

    Hungarian-owned small and medium enterprises form an organic part of Hungary's economy. However, Hungary's convergence also relies on SMEs reaching the next level in competitivenes. They will have to face structural challenges such as change of generation, improving productivity ar retaining employees. Therefore, Hiventures and Portfolio are dedicating a stand-alone conference to the above topics, an event where business owners, consultants and investors can receive tangible, first-hand support, including information on new financing solutions by Hiventures. Thanks to these, businesses can not only improve on their economies of scale, consolidate in their own market segments, or efficiently manage operational challenges, but can also conquer foreign markets with their products and services or even with capital export.

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Who we recommend

  • Managers of financial instituions,
  • Participants of the credit intermediation market,
  • Representatives of regulatory authorities,
  • Advisors,
  • Lawyers,
  • Investors,
  • Investment funds,
  • Professionals of state and supervisory organizations,
  • Entrepreneurs and companies

Our Sponsors


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with



Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032
Renáta Szekeres
  • Renáta Szekeres
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4367


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Gergely Csiki
  • Gergely Csiki
  • Kapcsolattartó
  • Phone: 428-9062
  • Email:
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