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Gabriella Almássy

Company: UNION Biztosító
Job title: President and CEO
She graduated as an actuary from Corvinus University of Budapest and holds a degree in Programming Mathematics (ELTE), EU Studies (BGF) and International Business (Ruskin University, Cambridge). In 1998, her career in insurance started at AHICO Biztosító, where she gained experience as an actuary both in life and non-life fields. From 2006 she continued her career at the actuarial department of K&H Biztosító, she was Chief Actuary of the company until 2015, and at the same time she was also Head of Risk Management, then later she became the Head of Non-life Product Management, Risk Management and Actuaries. She joined UNION Biztosító in November 2015 as a member of the board of directors responsible for the non-life insurance business, and from April 2018 on she is also responsible for life insurance business. From 1 January 2020 she is President and CEO of Union Biztosító. She plays an active role in several working groups of MABISZ.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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