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Zsombor Barta MRICS

Company: Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)
Job title: President
Zsombor Barta is the President of the Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC) and the Founding Partner of the sustainability advisor company Greenbors Consulting Kft. He grew up in South Germany and has lived in Budapest since 2007. He worked as a senior environmental consultant at the international environmental advisory company ERM, focusing on M&A projects and green building certifications. After that, he was launching and led the sustainability departments of two international real estate project management companies in the CE region. He was the head of Sustainability and Legacy of the Budapest Olympic Bid and is also a senior advisor within the Hungarian National Council for Sustainable Development. He is an awarded BREEAM assessor with more than 150 successful international green building certifications and references. He is also a member of the RICS and a Trustee within the London-based Badur foundation.

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