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Bence András

Company: Citibank
Job title: Seniro Vice President, Head of Finance SWAT for EMEA
Bence is a senior member of EY Hungary’s Financial Services Advisory, where he helps banks to overcome their challenges in financial risk management. He studied Finance & Accounting, and Business Informatics at Corvinus University of Budapest, where he was also a member of the Rajk László College for Advanced Studies. Prior to joining EY, he worked at Citibank, OGResearch, Morgan Stanley, GE Capital, and has also covered macroeconomics for Portfolio. He took part in research commissioned by the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission, and several private institutions covering macroeconomic projections, country risk assessment, debt-sustainability analysis, and program evaluation. Bence is also the founder and main contributor of Portfolio Prof, a science-focused publication hosted by Portfolio.hu.

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