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Erick van Egeraat

Company: Erick van Egeraat Építész Iroda
Job title:
Erick van Egeraat (1956, Amsterdam) graduated from the Technical University of Delft
Department of Architecture in 1984 where he received his diploma with honourable
mention. He co-founded Mecanoo architects in 1984 and was partner in this office until
In 1995 Erick van Egeraat founded (EEA) Erick van Egeraat associated architects with
offices in Rotterdam, Moscow, Budapest, London and Prague. In 2009 this company was
restructured into Designed by Erick van Egeraat.
Over the past 20 years, Erick van Egeraat built a highly diverse portfolio containing
ambitious and high-profile projects in the Netherlands, Europe and the Russian Federation.
Each of these projects represents his very personal and expressive architecture which
relates to the existing historic and cultural context. His design philosophy provokes a
dialogue with the most diverse aspects of daily life.
Erick van Egeraat has lectured and been guest critic throughout the world. He has received
various awards and honours for his work. He won many international competitions and
participated in numerous national and international architectural juries.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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