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Júlia Véglesi

Company: Richmond Global Sciences
Job title: ESG Associate
Julia Veglesi graduated from University College London in Economics in 2018. At the beginning of her career, Julia gained experience in green project financing, sovereign bond issuance, and credit risk assessment as a Corporate & Investment Banking Analyst at Citibank, and in social venture capital financing as an Investment Manager at a pioneer CEE social impact fund, Impact Ventures. She is currently working at a London-based startup, Richmond Global Sciences, where she is - in collaboration with the Harvard Business School - developing and bringing to market an ESG (environmental, social and governance) portfolio management tool that helps investors allocate capital sustainably. She is a TEDx speaker, presenting 'The Price of Everything' in November 2022. Julia is the Board Member and Secretary of the Hungarian Association of British Alumni where she enjoys organising community events. In her free time, she loves doing triathlons.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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