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Ádám Karakas

Company: Boston Consulting Group
Job title: Partner
Adam Karakas is a Partner at the Budapest office of Boston Consulting Group. He is a core member of BCG’s Energy and Climate & Sustainability practices, with experience in corporate strategy, operations, corporate development and decarbonization. He has supported major clients in the fields of energy in achieving their goals in the topics of efficiency transformation, operational improvement, strategy and recently even more across industries supporting clients to solve their energy challenges while also progressing with their decarbonization commitments. During his years with BCG, he has worked in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in Australia, the U.S., the Middle East, and the Baltics. He graduated from the Rotterdam School of Management with a master’s degree in Strategic Management and holds a bachelor’s degree from Corvinus University Budapest.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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