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Kata Pál

Company: EKKV.HU Project Lead
Job title: Head of International Business Development & Innovation, BIB Zrt.
KEY Strengths: Business development, sales, marketing, building relationships with industry partners, relevant national and international network with key stakeholders. Kata’s main task @BIB next to business development is to enhance new innovative business sectors such as AI in Finance, FinTech, Digital Payments & E-learning implementations. SME's digital transformation, Women in business and international relations are also on her plate to build new business partner cooperation's in financial education. Previously she strengthened her network in the V4/CEE region mainly focusing on technology transfer, know-how and innovation. As the Director for Business Sectors, Technology & Knowledge Transfer of the Hungarian National Trading House she was able to motivate a team of 40 employees to peak performance in order to facilitate export activities and business development of Hungarian SME’s. To utilize her skills in the private sector, previously she took responsibility of driving organisational improvements at INFOTÉR (IT Pro Society Association Hungary) as marketing and sponsorship manager between 2014/2015. Kata’s Bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Budapest Business School for Foreign Trade and a MSc degree in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs at Budapest Corvinus University gave her comprehensive knowledge of economic diplomacy, management issues which has since been successfully applied in dynamic and demanding business environments. She also finished an Excecutive MBA in July 2017. Beside Kata’s professional career, she likes being engaged with organizing charity events for more then 8 years at a local Rotary Club of Budapest, Hungary.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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