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Zoltán Lengyel

Company: Sberbank Magyarország Zrt.
Job title: Head of Division, Marketing, PR & Digital
Zoltán Lengyel has been dealing with communication for more than 20 years. During his career so far, he has had the opportunity to gain in-depth experience as a leader in each of the areas of Marketing, PR and Digital. For 5 years he has been leading the Marketing, PR and Digital areas of Sberbank, which is responsible for all communication tasks of the company and for the development and implementation of the Digital Strategy. Prior to that, he worked as a senior executive at several international financial institutions (Citi, MKB, Generali, Genertel) as a professional leader where he was able to manage the Marketing, Sales and Digital areas. In addition to the banking and insurance sectors, his sectoral experience also extends to the telecommunications (Telekom) and consulting (Deloitte) sectors. His professional focus is on efficiency-driven integrated communication and digital customer experience development.  

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