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Marius Ghenea

Company: 3TS Capital Partners Fund
Job title: Investment Director
Marius is currently the Investment Director at 3TS Capital Partners based in Bucharest, overseeing a 10 strong portfolio of tech companies. He was previously for more than 20 years a serial entrepreneur and business-angel with successful investments and exits in eight CEE countries and ranks in fortune Romanian survey of Forbes for many years. Among social activities, he was a co-founder Venture-Connect, a regional matchmaking platform for tech start-up entrepreneurs and early-stage investors, a professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Business Ventures with the Maastricht School of Management EMBA program, he has been a co-organizer of School-for-startups, the first SEE entrepreneurship education program, and he authored “Entrepreneurship”, the first Romanian book on entrepreneurship, while also being one of the TV dragons on the Romanian Dragons’ Den.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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