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Zoltán Ocsenás

Company: Allianz Global Investors
Job title: Regional Business Development Director
Since 2006 he has been the Regional Head Business Development CEE at Allianz Global Investors. He is responsible for the international business relations and the development of the client oriented solutions. As a Director he led the CEE expansion of BNP Paribas Investment Partners. He started his career at the city branch of today's UniCredit Bank as a client manager, and after completing the International banking school of the group, he prepared those loan presentations for the directorate, which were beyond competency of the Hungarian branch. He shifted to the capital market in 1997, firstly supporting the regional bond issues in the treasury. He changed from here to the Pioneer Investments, the Vienna headquarters of UniCredit group's asset manager, where primarily supported the work of the Hungarian unit.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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