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Péter Fáykiss

Company: Central Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MNB)
Job title: Director, Digitalization Directorate
Mr. Fáykiss graduated in 2009 from Corvinus University of Budapest. Between 2009 and 2013 he worked at the MNB, where he was the member of a group analysing domestic effects of the European implementation of Basel III regulation. In 2013 he became the Deputy Head of Division for Financial Regulations of Ministry for National Economy, where he was mainly responsible for the domestic implementation of the European regulatory package CRD IV and for the preparation of the new Hungarian Banking Act. In 2014 he was appointed as the Head of Macroprudential Policy Department of the MNB, from 2017 he served as the Director of Macroprudential Directorate, and from 2019 he is the Director of Digitalization Directorate at the MNB.

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