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Dr. Piroska Ailer

Company: Kecskemét College
Job title: Rector
Dr. Piroska Ailer obtained a degree in mechanical engineering from the Faculty of Transport Engineering at BME. Having obtained her diploma, from August 1998 until 2005 she was a professional soldier. She obtained her PhD in 2003, researching and writing her dissertation on the modeling and nonlinear control of low-powered gas turbines at the Faculty of Transport Engineering of BME. During this time she gave lectures at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University. From March 2005 until June 2013 she was development engineer, then Head of the development team at the Budapest R&D Center of the Knorr-Bremse Brake Systems. From 2007 she was working as a development engineer for Hasse&Wrede GmbH for a year. Vehicle Technology Department of the Technical College Faculty of Equipment and Automation Industry of the College of Kecskemét was created under her guidance, and first she became a member, then head of the department. Since 2013 she is the rector of the College of Kecskemét. Earlier she used to give lectures at the Vehicles Department of BME as an assistant lecturer. Currently she teaches courses on gas turbines and internal combustion engines, and their preparatory courses.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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