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Gergely Szabó

Company: MET Central Europe
Job title: Regional Chairman
Gergely Szabó has been leading MET Hungary since December 2014 and was appointed Regional Chairman of MET Central Europe from 1 January 2019. In the newly formed organisation Gergely Szabó is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the regional business operation and local subsidiaries in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia, where MET Central Europe has more than 7000 long term partners in the industrial natural gas and power segment. Gergely Szabó started his career at the Gas Division of MOL Group in 2007. He was Executive Director of Origination and Structured Trading at MOL Energy Trade Ltd. between 2010 and 2011, then managed the Swiss subsidiary of MET Group as CEO at MET International between 2011 and 2014. In addition to his role of CEO of MET Hungary Ltd., Gergely Szabó is Chairman of the Board of Directors of E2 Hungary Ltd., the joint venture energy trading company established by Magyar Telekom and MET Holding, as well as Chairman of the Board of MET Croatia and MET Slovakia.

Gergely Szabó will be our speaker at the following event:


Energy Investment Forum 2024 - Powered by MEKH

10th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
Although energy prices have fallen significantly in the past two years, there is still considerable pressure both on Hungarian energy policy and the private sector to move towards greener, more energy-efficient and sustainable operations. This keeps a multitude of pressing... More

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