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Péter Szép

Company: Deloitte
Job title: Partner
Péter Szép is a business advisory services partner at Deloitte Co. Ltd. In the past Péter Szép participated in a number of business process transformation and CRM strategy development projects, and he worked as a senior executive in the management of several Hungarian banks. He has a broad experience in the FSI and telecommunications industries in the fields of management consultancy, project management and process planning. He started his career at the International Training Center for Bankers, and then he spent 8 years holding senior positions in the management of several Hungarian banks (Postabank, Erstebank, Raiffeisen). As a founding partner, he was head of Scale Consulting for 6 years, a group of companies providing advice for the banking, insurance, and telecommunications sectors.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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