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Péter István Vedres

Company: Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authorit
Job title: Department of Sustainable Development Head of Department
Péter István Vedres is the Head of Department of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority's Department of Sustainable Development. He graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest and is an economist and energy economist. As Head of Department, he manages the energy efficiency and renewable energy related tasks of MEKH. He has been supporting the introduction of the Energy Efficiency Commitment Scheme from its inception and has been involved in the preparation of the list of energy savings from energy efficiency measures or investments, and in the development of the methodological framework for the calculation of eligible energy savings.

Péter István Vedres will be our speaker at the following event:


Energy Investment Forum 2024 - Powered by MEKH

10th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
Although energy prices have fallen significantly in the past two years, there is still considerable pressure both on Hungarian energy policy and the private sector to move towards greener, more energy-efficient and sustainable operations. This keeps a multitude of pressing... More

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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Agricultural Conference 2024

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