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Spanarova Veronika

Company: Citi
Job title: Managing Director, Citi Country Head for Hungary
Veronika Spanarova assumed the role of Citi Country Head for Hungary in September 2020. In her current position Veronika is responsible for leading the growth of Citi’s businesses  whilst maintaining the highest standards of franchise (bank and Citi Solutions Center) soundness in Hungary. Prior to her appointment to Hungary, Veronika spent four years as Citi Country Head for Slovakia, where she was also the bank’s Corporate Banking Head.  Veronika started her career with Citi in the Czech Republic more than 25 years ago. Since then, she has held various senior positions in the fields of Transaction Services, Corporate Banking, Consumer and Retail Banking areas in the Czech Republic, Brazil and Slovakia. She holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Charles University, School of Social  Sciences, Prague.

Spanarova Veronika will be our speaker at the following event:


Budapest Economic Forum 2024

17th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
The Budapest Economic Forum, traditionally the most important macroeconomic conference of Portfolio, will be held for the fourteenth time on the 17th of October 2024. At the Budapest Economic Forum, every topic that currently deeply concerns representatives of the economic... More

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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