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Dávid Vitézy

Job title: Urban mobility expert
Dávid Vitézy finished his studies in 2010 at Budapest University of Technology, at the Faculty of Economy and Social Sciences. Between 2002 and 2010, he was a member of the Városi és Elővárosi Közlekedési Egyesület (Urban and Suburban Transportation Association) where he became the leader of the working group from 2005, then a member of the board and presidency. From 2007 to 2009 he worked at BKV Zrt. (Budapest Transit Company) and was a member of the supervisory committee. In 2010 he became the founder and CEO of BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) which he ran until 2014. He is the Director-General of the Hungarian Museum of Technology and Transport since January 2016 and since February 2020, he has been the CEO of the Budapest Development Agency (BFK), a non-profit governmental organisation focusing on Budapest and the metropolitan area.

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