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Yann Ménétrier

Company: Groupama Garancia
Job title: CEO
Holder of an agronomist engineer (1976) and a financial degree, married with three children. The now 61 year business expert has been working for Groupama Group since 1989. Before, he has worked at Crédit Agricole for 10 years. From 1989, he was head of Marketing and Sales of regional Groupama’s mutual (900 staff) then from 1993 deputy CEO in charge of all Insurance Businesses. In 1997 he joined Groupama SA holding company (Paris) as new head of Distribution Directorate set up by him. In 2001 he was head of the creation project of Groupama Banque, the new Group’s retail bank, where he was later charged of the Sales and operations Directorate as member of the board of directors. In 2007 he was nominated head of the Group’s Non-life Directorate in France. He arrived in Hungary in the fall of 2008 to become the managing director of OTP Garancia Biztosító and then Groupama Biztosító. Since the 1st April 2009, he is managing director of Groupama Garancia Biztositó born form the merger of both previous companies.

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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