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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Agrarium 2024

Small producers and young farmers, ATTENTION!




Session I: How Can You Access Agricultural Subsidies in 2024?

08:30 - 08:35


Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

08:35 - 08:55

Support opportunities for Hungarian agriculture in 2024 – The agricultural tasks of the Hungarian EU Presidency

Speaker: István Nagy, Agriculture Minister, Ministry of Agriculture

08:55 - 09:05

A series of farmers’ protests and European Parliament elections: What professional direction will the EU Common Agricultural Policy take?

Speaker: Balázs Győrffy, President, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

09:05 - 09:20

Record support in 2023, professional plans for 2024 – Farmer-friendly developments of the Hungarian State Treasury and audit criteria for this year

Speaker: Miklós Detre, Vice President, Hungarian State Treasury

09:20 - 10:00

Roundtable discussion: The most significant changes to agricultural support in 2024 – Key information on electronic applications, support control criteria, changes to EU Common Agricultural Policy rules

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

Conversation participants:


Coffee break


Session II: Rural Development, Agricultural Financing: Big Opportunities

10:20 - 10:30

New rural development calls for applications: How to apply?

Speaker: Zsolt György Papp, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

10:30 - 11:15

Roundtable discussion: How can we submit successful applications? – New calls for proposals under the Rural Development Programme, practical requirements of the application system, evaluation criteria and payment schedule

Moderator: Gergely Papp, Deputy Director General, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

Conversation participants:

11:15 - 11:30

Challenges and solutions in the agricultural insurance market in 2024

Speaker: Szilveszter Hajgató,

11:30 - 12:10

Roundtable discussion: Will the tough macroeconomic environment ease? – Agricultural financing options in 2024, loan rates, new bank loan products, soft agricultural loan schemes

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

Conversation participants:

  • Zoltán Demeter, Head of Agribusiness Development Department, K&H
  • dr. András Herczegh, Managing Director, Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
  • József Sánta, Agrárcentrum Small, Medium and Large Farms Sales Network Director, MBH Bank
  • István Szabó, Executive Director, OTP Bank Corporate and Agricultural Directorate


Lunch break


Session III/A: Animal Production and Feed: The Key to Competitiveness

Moderator: Zoltán Fórián, leading agricultural expert, Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.

13:10 - 13:20

Comfortable idleness or the plant of the future? – Stay on your feet with soy!

Speaker: Zoltán Bene, Manager, Karintia Kft.

13:20 - 13:35

Costs and price trends in animal husbandry – Investment opportunities and knowledge export in the feed industry

Speaker: Zoltán Kulik, CEO, Vitafort Zrt.

13:35 - 14:20

Roundtable discussion: Livestock prices, costs and profitability outlook for 2024 – Support opportunities, animal health situation, trends and competitive technologies in feed

Conversation participants:

Session III/B: Arable Crop Production: Waiting for Profit

Moderator: Róbert Görög, Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

13:10 - 13:25

The National Land Centre ceases to exist – Current changes in land regulation in 2024

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, Department head, Ministry of Agriculture

13:25 - 13:40

This year's requirements for keeping farm diaries – Electronic Farm Diary (eGN) experiences and opportunities for further development

Speaker: Gábor Várszegi, Director, Nébih

13:40 - 14:20

Roundtable discussion: Will prices remain depressed or is another wave of price increases beginning? – Expected purchase prices and earnings projections in arable crop production

Conversation participants:


Coffee break


Session IV/A: New Farm Bill: What Can We Expect?

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

14:40 - 15:00

Security of production, higher prices, more equitable income distribution: What can be done for farmers?

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, Department head, Ministry of Agriculture

15:00 - 15:50

Roundtable discussion: The brand new Farmers' Protection Bill is coming to Hungary's agriculture – How to improve producer bargaining power and increase farm-gate prices in agriculture?

Conversation participants:


Session IV/B: Indicative Forecasts for the Input Market

Moderator: László Hörömpő, Commercial Manager, Nufarm Hungária Kft.

14:40 - 14:50

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the New Genomic Techniques (NGT) proposal – What might be the significance of the decision in the EU seed market?

Speaker: Feríz Rádi, President, Innovatív Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Egyesület

14:50 - 15:00

The European Commission has withdrawn its pesticide regulation proposal – What does the future hold for European plant protection?

Speaker: Géza Gábriel, Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Agriculture

15:00 - 15:10

The fertiliser market in 2024: What should producers expect?

Speaker: Csaba Varga,

15:10 - 15:50

Roundtable discussion: Trends in agricultural input markets: price forecasts and regulatory changes in fertilisation, crop protection, and seed use – New products and technologies in 2024

Conversation participants:


Session V/A: Shock and a Way Out for the Food Market

Moderator: László Friedrich, university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

15:50 - 16:05

Potential breakthrough points for EU direct support for the food industry in 2024

Speaker: Dániel Bene, Advisory, Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda

16:05 - 16:20

At a crossroads: The food industry under pressure to invest and export?– Market access through community agricultural marketing

Speaker: Gergely Giczi, Deputy General Manager, Agricultural Marketing Centre

16:20 - 17:00

Roundtable discussion: Major legislation, devastating consumption trends in the food market – Market access opportunities for the food industry, good marketing strategies in 2024

Conversation participants:


Session V/B: Space-Speed Progress in Agricultural Mechanisation

Moderator: Péter Miklós Varga, Permanent Expert, Cibus Hungaricus Foundation

15:50 - 16:05

Digital transition 2.0: New support possibilities in the CAP strategic plan

Speaker: Gergely Lantos,

16:05 - 17:00

Roundtable discussion: The latest mechanisation solutions for modern agriculture – New agribusiness opportunities for precision farming, digitalisation, and artificial intelligence

Conversation participants:

Networking & Champagne toast

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Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087
  • Email:


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Phone: 428-9094
  • Email:
Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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