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Investment, Wealth and Savings (IWS) 2020

Date: 10th March 2020  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest

8.30-9.00 Rgisztráció

I. Pushing both pedals at once – Which way are global capital markets headed in 2020?

Moderator: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome Speech

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

09:05 - 09:20

Introductory thoughts – What are the hottest topics in macroeconomy?

Speaker: Péter Virovácz, Lead analyst, ING Bank

09:20 - 09:45

Megatrends – What will be the investments of the future?

Speaker: Holger Wehner, CFA, CAIA, Director, Head of Product Specialists Equity Europe, Allianz Global Investors

09:45 - 10:50

Brake, as or both? What will 2020 bring? – Panel discussion

Conversation participants:

10.50-11.20 Coffee break

II/A. Property and raw material market trends – Is it too late to get on board?

Moderator: Dániel Huszák, Analyst, Portfolio

11:20 - 11:40

Gold is soaring, but can it keep our money safe during the next crisis?

Speaker: Norbert Cinkotai, vezető elemző, KBC Securities

11:40 - 12:00

Oil prices jerked up and down – What should we prepare for this year?

Speaker: Tamás Pletser CFA, olaj- és gázipar elemző, Erste

12:00 - 12:20

Palladium storms the market – Will it bring 40% this year as well?

Speaker: Ferenc Hosszú CFA, Director, Commodities, OTP Alapkezelő Zrt.

12:20 - 12:40

Falling prices in the global property market – What should real estate investors do?

Speaker: Bálint Botos CFA, Managing Partner, Forestay Alapkezelő

II/B. Three letters that shook investments: ESG

Moderator: Balázs Bozsik, Senior Manager, ESG Business Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers Könyvvizsgáló Kft.

11:20 - 11:40

ESG, SRI, impact investing: on the cusp of becoming mainstream?

Speaker: Elemér Eszter, elnök, HVCA

11:40 - 12:00

Is it worth being an ESG compliant business? – First-hand experiences

Speaker: Gergely Jancsár, Fenntarthatósági Terület vezető, MOL Csoport

12:00 - 12:50

ESG funds are spreading worldwide, but have Hungarian investors caught on to them? – Panel discussion

Conversation participants:

  • Dr. Barnabás Ács, Globális Értékesítési Stratégiai Igazgató, Fenntartható Befektetések és Finanszírozás, Londoni Értéktőzsde
  • Attila Bálint, vezérigazgató, Raiffeisen Privátbank, Raiffeisen Alapkezelő
  • Elemér Eszter, elnök, HVCA
  • Pavlina Solcova, Vice President, Business Development CEE, Allianz Global Investors
  • Sándor Vízkeleti, vezérigazgató, Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt., BAMOSZ elnök

12.50-14.00 Lunch break

III/A. 5% risk-free yield and ongoing market competition – Fund manager outlook in the shadow of the MÁP+ 'superbond'

Moderator: Zsolt Raveczky, igazgatósági tag, UNION Biztosító

14:00 - 14:15

What novelties will Hungarian government security indices bring in investments?

Speaker: András Bebes, főosztályvezető-helyettes, ÁKK, Stratégiai Főosztály

14:15 - 14:30

Increasing the financial assets of households – Will all savings instruments get a share of the pie?

Speaker: Zsolt Kuti, monetáris politikáért, pénzügyi piaci és makrofinanszírozási elemzésekért felelős ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

14:30 - 15:20

5% risk-free yield: will Hungarian fund managers be able to keep up this year? - Panel discussion

Conversation participants:

III/B. A golden age of private banks – How long will the years of bounty last?

Moderator: - Róbert Cselovszki, CEO, Erste Investment Ltd.

14:00 - 14:15

When unit-linked life insurance can be worthwhile for private banking customers

Speaker: Dániel Gyurkó, Analyst, portfolio manager, UNION Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt

14:15 - 14:30

Regional private banking outlook – What are wealthy customers after?

Speaker: András Kállay, Private Banking Ügyvezető Igazgató és Retail CIO, Raiffeisen Bank International

14:30 - 15:20

The numbers indicate a golden age but private banks may not take their eyes off the ball – Openly on customers, yields, wealth outlook and the burdens on private bankers

Conversation participants:

15.20-15.30 Break

IV/A. Digitalisation in wealth management – What will the private banks and fund managers of the future look like?

Moderator: István Palkó, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

15:30 - 15:40

Digitalisation at private banks and fund managers – Myth or reality?

Speaker: Anita Kövesdi, Account Manager, Dorsum

15:40 - 15:50

Decision support solutions in customer service – Initial results and experiences

Speaker: Zsuzsanna Szabó, befektetési szakértő, Raiffeisen Bank

15:50 - 16:00

Digitalisation, PSD2, data aggregation – How do these affect financial services?

Speaker: Zsombor Kádár, product owner, Aggreg8

16:00 - 16:10

“Tear down this Wall!” – The vanishing line between bank accounts and investments

Speaker: Balázs Faluvégi, senior elemző, Portfolio

IV/B. Interesting investment stories from around the world – Thematic investments gaining ground

Moderator: Ágnes Árgyelán, Analyst, Portfolio

15:30 - 15:40

Megatrends in investments: 5 megatrends from 5 sectors

Speaker: Szabolcs Sztakó, Senior sales manager, Erste Alapkezelő

15:40 - 15:50

Innovation-driven stocks

Speaker: DÁVID MUNKÁCSI, portfóliómenedzser, Generali Alapkezelő

15:50 - 16:00

Climate protection with oil shares?

Speaker: Márk Varga, lakossági értékesítési vezető, Amundi Alapkezelő

16:00 - 16:10

What will the property fund of the future look like?

Speaker: Noémi Pallos CFA, Director, Blackrock

16.10-16-40 Coffee break

V. Roundtable of successful portfolio managers – What have they learned from 2018 and 2019 and what do they expect in 2020?

Moderator: István Horváth CFA, igazgató, K&H Bank Private Banking

16:40 - 17:30

Successful Hungarian portfolio managers share their expectations and investment ideas for this year – Panel discussion

Conversation participants:

  • Tamás Cser, vezető részvényportfólió-kezelő, partner, HOLD Alapkezelő
  • Attila Gyurcsik, vezérigazgató, Accorde Alapkezelő
  • Péter Vécsei, intézményi vagyonkezelésért felelős vezető, MKB-Pannónia Alapkezelő

17.30-17.35 Closing remarks

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Organisation, general questions

Angéla Laczó
  • Angéla Laczó
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4383
  • Email:
Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095
  • Email:


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:
Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:


Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Analyst
  • Phone: +36-70-391-1588
  • Email:
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