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Construction Industry 2022

Date: 26th April 2022  

Location: Corinthia Hotel Budapest


  • Beyond the shock – Have challenges come to an end?
  • Funding and financing
  • Construction and raw material prices 2022
  • Where does EU funding go?
  • Trends in building construction and civil engineering – What is the market building?
  • Climate politics and a circular economy
  • Can the supply chains be more protected?
  • Is digitalisation already sweeping in the industry? – Where is the industry now?
  • From planning to realisation – Is the value chain working?
  • Engineering challenges and solutions in the new world

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ambrus György
Director General of Project Managment
Budapest Fejlesztési Központ
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Balázs Attila
Bayer Construct Zrt.
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Balogh Péter
Managing Director
MBH Bank
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Banai Ádám PhD, MRICS
Executive director for monetary policy instruments, financial stability and foreign reserve management
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Báthory Balázs
Deputy CEO
Market Építő Zrt.
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Bellaagh Mátyás
Director EHSQ, CSR & BIM
Colas Hungária Zrt.
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Prof. Dr. Boros Anita
Head of the Analysis Centre
Centre for Circular Economy Analysis and Knowledge founded by Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE)
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Bozsik Balázs
Senior Manager, ESG Business Services
PwC Hungary
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Budai Henrietta
Sustainability Manager
CPI Hungary
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Dálnoki Ádám
BauApp Kft.
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Ditróy Gergely
Business Development Director
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Gegesi Kiss Tamás
Managing Director
Gépész Centrál Kft.
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Grátzer Szabolcs
Head of Design Department and Head of Digital Engineering Services
Market Építő Zrt.
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Gunther Zsolt
Owner and Principal
3h architecture
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Gyutai Csaba
CEO, ÉMI Nonprofit Kft.
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Horváth Bálint
Senior Sustainability Consultant
CBRE Hungary
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Illés Tamás
Senior Sales Consultant
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Keszthelyi Tibor
Deputy CEO
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Kiss Gábor
Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft.
IFK, Vice-chairman
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Koji László
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Livják Csaba
Managing Director
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Dr. Lovas Tamás
Head of Department
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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Lovas Gusztáv
Managing Director
Decor Floor Magyarország
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Máté László
Managing Director
Lasselsberger Hungária Kft.
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Naderi Zsuzsanna
Edupark Nonprofit Kft.
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Nyiri Szabolcs
Technology director
Colas Hungária Zrt.
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Nyul Zoltán
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of Construction and Transport
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Dr Ódor Dániel MRICS
Taylor Wessing
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Pados Gábor
Project Director
Wing Zrt.
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Palkovics Milán
igazgatóság elnöke
Épduferr Nyrt.
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Pásztor Tamás
Head of Legal and Operation
CPI Hungary
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Pásztor Roxána
Sustainability Project Leader
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Polgár László
Senior Technical Consultant
ASA Építőipari Kft.
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Puskás Péter
Fit-out director
B+N Referencia Zrt.
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Racsek Dániel
Business Development and Sales Director, EcoStruxure
Schneider Electric
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Reicher Péter
Country Manager
Graphisoft SE
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Dr. Reith András PhD
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Salamon Adorján MRICS
ESTON International
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Scheer Sándor
Market Építő Zrt.
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Dr. Schrancz Mihály
CEO, Founding Partner
Realis Development
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Simon Anita
Deputy CEO, Sustainability and Circular Economy
Alteo Group
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Spányi György MRICS
Spányi Partners Zrt.
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Szarka András
Product manager
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Dr. Takács Ernő
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Tarkovács Zsolt
Head of Department of Architecture and Site Investigation
Paks II. Atomerőmű Zrt.
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Tatár Tibor MRICS
Head of Hungarian residential and office development
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Tibor Dávid
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Tóth Patrik
Technical Team Lead
Layher Kft.
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Vida Szabolcs
Chief Financial Officer
Új Ház Zrt.
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Wagner Ernő
Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
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Dr. Zagorácz Márk
assistant professor
University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Why you should come?

In 2022, we are organising our exclusive event created for the most important professional actors of the Hungarian construction industry, the “Construction Industry 2022” conference. Following the success and growth of the last few years, in spring 2022, we are preparing with a hybrid (offline+online) format adapting to the new world, with a full-day live professional programme, more topical themes and more speakers. Besides the technical programme, indispensable networking possibilities will play an accentuated role, and we will award a top performer of the Hungarian construction industry this year too.

The efficiency and profitability of the construction industry’s professional players are not only determined by the projects carried out in the expected quality and on time but a wide range of factors originating in the economy, innovation or other areas of the regulatory environment. The availability and allocation of EU funds, national developments, companies’ capacity and efficiency, the financing of the industry, labour problems, the price and availability of raw materials, the possibilities and challenges of digitalisation and innovation, the processes of designing are all questions that go beyond the construction industry’s core topics and competencies and require a complex vision and a new type of approach and solutions.

Burning topics and issues, such as the price of raw material and construction materials, supply chains, inflation, inflation and the challenges of the global economy, the role of the state and EU funding for the future of the sector will be addressed. Furthermore, the ever-present labour shortage, the growing role of climate targets, the circular economy, innovation, digitalisation and robotisation, the sector’s internal and external financing possibilities, deadlines and exchange rate risk keeping the market under pressure, the sector’s financial viability and its whitening, economies of scale and mechanisation, the lack of skilled labour, the new world order that is disrupting the real estate market, and everything that is relevant to the future of the domestic construction industry from the perspective of contractors, regulators, developers, designers, operators, inspectors, education, financiers, and legal issues.

Participate in this exclusive conference and networking event that will bring together the profession and the market where you can meet your current and future professional and business partners.


After 2019, 2020, and 2021, we will present the increasingly prestigious “Construction Industry Person of the Year” award of Market and Portfolio for the fourth time in 2022, on 26th April. The award is given to a professional who has made an outstanding contribution to the domestic construction industry in a given year and/or over many years. Don’t miss out on the award ceremony! Join the post-conference event with a standing reception, networking, gin bar and informal professional discussions. Let’s celebrate the outstanding professional performance of the domestic construction industry together.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Key players in the construction industry,
  • The country’s leading building and civil engineering companies,
  • Real estate developers,
  • Financiers, banks, insurers,
  • Designers, architects, engineers,
  • Service providers supporting the construction industry,
  • Those manufacturing and trading construction materials and raw material,
  • Institutional and private investors,
  • Advisors,
  • Lawyers, legal practitioners,
  • FM, PM, AM segment representatives,
  • Local government leaders,
  • Real estate decision-makers, professionals, and managers

Our Sponsors

Super Gold Sponsor

GIN bar of the reception is sponsored by

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Sushi bar of the reception is sponsored by

Official car rental partner

In association with

Accessibility Partner

3h Építésziroda Kft. 99999 Informatika ABUD Kft. AC su misura Access4you International Kft. Aktuál Bau ALTANA Asset Management Kft. Alteo Csoport ALUKÖNIGSTAHL Kft. Aluprof-Hungary Kft. ASA Építőipari Kft. B+N Referencia Zrt. BauApp Kft. Baumetall Design Kft. Bayer Construct Zrt. Bernecker Kft. Birsch Construct Kft. BME Építőmérnöki Kar BP-RE Appraisal Tanácsadó Kft. Budafer Hungary Zrt. Budapest Fejlesztési Központ Budapesti és Pest Megyei Mérnöki Kamara BuildEXT Kft. CBRE Kft. CÉH Zrt. CEOS Kft. CETIN Hungary Zrt. Colas Alterra Zrt. Colas Hungária Zrt. Confector Kft. Construsoft Kft. CPI Hungary CREO-ÉPÍTŐ Kft. Cretum Development Zrt. CTP Management Hungary Kft. Csomiép Kft. Daniella Kereskedelmi Kft. Decor Floor Magyarország Dominó Kft. Dorottya Investment Zrt. Dózer-Ép Kft. DPi design Kft. Dr. Farkas Mária Ügyvédi Iroda Drees & Sommer Hungária Kft. Duna Terasz Grande Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. Dürer Befektetési Kft. EB HUNGARY INVEST Kft. Edupark Nonprofit Kft. ÉMI Nonprofit Kft. ÉPDUFERR Nyrt. Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. ESTON International ÉVOSZ Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft. FleishmanHillard Café Forestay Fotó Művek Kft. FŐMTERV Zrt. FUTUREAL Futureal Development GEMENC Állvány Cégcsoport Gépész Centrál Kft. GLI Solutions GMB Solutions Zrt. GRAPHISOFT SE Greenbors Consulting Kft. Greenology Zöldinnovációs és Fenntarthatósági Tudásközpont Grundfos South East Europe Kft. GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt. Gyulai Family Office Hays Hungary HB Reavis Construction Hungary Kft. HB Reavis Hungary Szolgáltató Kft. HB Reavis Investments Hungary Kft. HBM Kft. Hella ÁNR Árnyékolástechnika Kft. HOLD Alapkezelő Holland Királyság Nagykövetsége Horizont Global Kft. Horváth Építőmester Zrt. HPE HuGBC Hunép Építőipari Zrt. Hungarian Project Kft. HungaroCAD Kft. HUNINSURANCE Kft. Hyperteam Üzleti és Informatikai Tanácsadó Kft. Iconico IDPM Consultalt Kft. IKont Kft. Infogroup Management Kft. Ingatlan.com Zrt. Ingatlanszakértő Kft. Innovative Software Solutions Kft. Investhouse Kft. Jalsovszky Ügyvédi Iroda KDT Engineering Kft. KÉSZ Építő és Szerelő Zrt. KÉSZ Metaltech Kft. Kontaset Vázszerkezet Gyártó és Szolgáltató Kft. Kormányzati Ingatlanüzemeltetési és Beruházási Igazgatóság Beruházási és Ingatlanfejlesztési Főosztály Kiemelt Projektkezelő Osztály Kreinbacher Lambda Systeme Kft. Lasselsberger Hungária Kft. Layher Kft. M&L-Sec Kft. Magyar Bankholding Zrt. Magyar Családi Ház Tulajdonosok Egyesülete Magyar Doka Kft. Magyar Építők Magyar Export-Import Bank Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Magyar Nemzeti Bank Market Építő Zrt. Market Épületszerviz Kft. Márkus Mérnöki Iroda Kft. Masterplast Nyrt. Mayweather Miller Communications MCM Beton Kft. MERKBAU Zrt. Metrodom Kivitelező Kft. Metróvas Kft. Miniszterelnöki Kormányiroda Moratus Kft. Műszaki Stúdió Bt. NEO Property Services Zrt. NIF Zrt. Nordikal Kft. Novoferm Hungária Kft Óbuda Group Opinion Builders Kft. Otolecz Transzportbeton Kft. OTP Ingatlan Zrt. Paks II. Atomerőmű Zrt. Pécsi Tudományegyetem - Műszaki és Informatikai Kar PERI PERI Kft. PlanRadar PlanRadar GmbH. PMKIK Porta Doors Power Biztonságtechnikai Kft. Prebeton Zrt. Proconstruct Zrt. Profilplast Kft. Profirent Gépkölcsönző Kft. Property Market Kft. Puskás Művek Kft. PwC Magyarország RedWood Holding RSM Hungary Zrt. RSM Legal | Szűcs & Partners Schneider Electric Hungary Zrt SES Magyarország Kft. Shiwaforce Sika Hungária Kft. Skanska Magyarország Ingatlan Kft. SMP Solutions Zrt. Spányi Partners Zrt. STRABAG StruSoft Kft. Szabadics Építőipari Zrt. Tangens Kft. Taylor Wessing Techmind Kft. Trigranit Fejlesztési Kft. T-shaped Software Kft. Tudásépítő-Team ÁKK Nonprofit Zrt. Újház Centrum UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. V&T Mérnök Tanácsadó Kft. Városliget Zrt. Vilati Zrt. VONALVEZETŐ Kft. Vostok Solutions Kft. Wallis Asset Management Zrt. Wéber és Társa Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Kft. Weinberg 93 Építő Kft. WILO Magyarország Kft. Wing Zrt. WSRE Wup Kft. Xtra Ingatlan Kft. Yama


Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4393
  • Email:
Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095
  • Email:


Péter Mihály
  • Péter Mihály
  • Senior Sales Manager
  • Phone: +36-70-544-0164
  • Email:


Gergely Ditróy
  • Gergely Ditróy
  • üzletfejlesztési igazgató
  • Phone: 428-9067
  • Email:
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