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Property Investment Forum 2022

Date: 15th September 2022  

Location: Hotel InterContinental Budapest

8:00-8:40 Registration

Ballroom I-II.

Section I./A – We are starting a new chapter again!

08:40 - 08:50

Good morning, real estate market!

Speaker: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio

08:50 - 09:00

Professional welcome speech and positive thoughts for the following period

Speaker: Noah Steinberg FRICS, elnök-vezérigazgató, WING

09:00 - 09:15


Speaker: Nándor Csepreghy, parlamenti államtitkár, miniszterhelyettes, Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium

09:20 - 09:40

A new starting line for the profession – Real estate market panorama

Speaker: Gábor Borbély, Director, CBRE

09:40 - 09:55

The future of the Liget project – The impact of this large-scale cultural development on the evolution of urban fabric

Speaker: Dr. Benedek Gyorgyevics, CEO, Városliget Zrt.

09:55 - 10:45

The Hungarian real estate market on a rollercoaster

Moderator: Dr. Szilárd Kui, Local Partner, DLA Piper

Conversation participants:


Coffee break and networking

Ballroom III.

Section I./B – Let’s dive deep into it!

10:20 - 11:05

Tightrope walking on the office market

Moderator: Ágnes Szentpály, Director, Head of Property Management, CBRE

Conversation participants:

11:05 - 11:20

Rethink the way of renting an office: time for a digital change

Speaker: Motty Segal, CEO, Zoomlla by IN Group

11:20 - 12:05

CEE – A regional overview

Moderator: Dr Dániel Ódor MRICS, Partner, Taylor Wessing

Conversation participants:

12:05 - 12:50

Where will the funding come from, and at what price?

Moderator: Tamás Nagy, Head of the Financial System Analysis Directorate, Hungarian National Bank

Conversation participants:

Ballroom I-II.

Section II./A – Expensive and cheap! – But what is expensive, what is cheap?

11:10 - 11:50

Macro-overview and war economic policy – What will it bring to the housing market?

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Conversation participants:

11:50 - 12:05

A message from the future! – Innovative measurement solutions

The real overhead reduction starts with metering. A meter-based, transparent, and casual billing of water, heating and cooling energy, and electricity used within the building is now a basic requirement for tenants and the basis for long-term cooperation (investor confidence). Let’s see the solutions!

Speaker: dr Zoltán Uzonyi, Country Manager, ista Magyarország Kft.

12:05 - 12:50

Future of FM/PM - Overhead crisis in focus 2.0, energetics, cost reduction, and greening

Moderator: Dániel Pintér, Associate Director, Head of Property & Project Management, Eston International

Conversation participants:


Lunch break & networking

Club InterContinental Lounge

Club Section

11:00 - 11:40

Are we back to 2008? – Appraisal in the spotlight X RICS

Conversation participants:

12:00 - 12:40

Makro workshop - Q & A

Conversation participants:

14:00 - 14:40

Retail workshop – What are the times ahead?

Moderator: János Kui, CEO, Marketing Resolution Kft.

Conversation participants:

Ballroom III.

Section II./B – Profit hunting

13:30 - 14:15

Investment market – Yield hunting – ESG – Predictability – Money is looking for its place, but where will it be?

Moderator: Bálint Botos, Managing Partner, Forestay RE Fund Management

Conversation participants:

14:15 - 14:50

Hotel market – Are we back?

Moderator: Márton Takács, Partner, Hotel Advisory and Hotel and Leisure Global Sector Leader, Moore Hungary

Conversation participants:

14:50 - 15:20

How big an opportunity for the market is the brutal inflow of foreign working capital?

Moderator: Ádám Székely, ügyvezető igazgató, tulajdonos, Infogroup, IFK, alelnök


Ballroom I-II.

Section III./A – Will it all be built!?

13:50 - 14:05

What do we have energy for; that is, how energy-conscious is the Hungarian population?

Speaker: Dr. Csilla Rázsóné Szórády, CEO, Újház

14:05 - 14:50

Dark clouds above our heads – This is how the Hungarian construction industry will be saved!

Moderator: Gábor Kiss, Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft., IFK, Vice-chairman

Conversation participants:

14:50 - 15:05

Mandatory warranty error handling after delivery – efficient, traceable, software-based

Case study. Housing estates of Biggeorge Property are popping up in many parts of Budapest, but the contractor’s work does not end with the delivery of the apartments. But how do we manage the mandatory warranty issues, so subcontractors and occupants always have the correct information? In the presentation, we look back at the first year and look for the response to the question of whether it was worth investing in such software.

Speaker: Anita Zakrzewski, sales manager, TOPdesk Magyarország Kft.

15:05 - 15:50

Housing market – Rust or nothing? – Is there a life beyond Budapest?

Moderator: Gábor Soóki-Tóth, Head of CEE Residential Working Group, RICS

Conversation participants:

  • Ádám Banai PhD, MRICS, jegybanki eszköztárért, pénzügyi stabilitásért és devizatartalék-kezelésért felelős ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • Csenge Karakas, Country Manager, Realpad
  • Gergely Nagy, Budapesti Régió - ügyvezető igazgató-helyettes, OTP Csoport
  • Csongor Sándor, Real Estate Development Director, Nhood Services Hungary Kft.
  • Gabriella Szörcsök, Residential Sales Manager, Atenor


Coffe break & networking

Ballroom III.

Section III./B – The new ones are coming!

15:40 - 15:55

The five main advantages of BIM-based digitalised facility management


15:55 - 16:25

New vs rebuilt office buildings!

Moderator: Valter Kalaus MRICS, Managing Partner, Newmark VLK Hungary

Conversation participants:

16:25 - 17:05

“Concept of the Year” speeches and vote

16:25 - 16:35

Secrets of water

Speaker: Amarilla Cseke, Leasing and Asset Manager, Skanska's commercial development business unit in Hungary

16:35 - 16:45

Nhood project presentation

Speaker: Balázs Gábosy, üzletfejlesztési, kereskedelmi és operatív Igazgató, Nhood Services Hungary Kft.

16:45 - 16:55

The city centre’s first "Well Platinum" project is on the way! – What potential does the building offer?

Speaker: Dóra Papp-Vas, Leasing Director, ConvergenCE

16:55 - 17:05

Property Market project presentation

Speaker: Károly Katkó, Office Leasing Director, Property Market Kft.

Ballroom I-II.

Section IV./A – „The show must go on!”

16:10 - 16:55

Industry and logistics properties – The special attention remains

Moderator: Ádám Székely, ügyvezető igazgató, tulajdonos, Infogroup, IFK, alelnök

Conversation participants:

16:55 - 17:40

Let’s see clearly! – The future of the real estate market in Hungary

Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio

Conversation participants:


Award ceremony


Reception & Networking

Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Sponsor of the pálinka sortiment

Sponsor of the wine selection

Super Gold Sponsor

Coffee Lounge Red sponsor

Coffee Lounge Blue sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Sustainability partner

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

GIN bar of the reception is sponsored by

Bronze Sponsor

Carbon Offsetting Partner

In association with

Accessibility Partner

Designer of our awards


Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032
Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 414 8265


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Bacsa Attila
  • Bacsa Attila


Gergely Ditróy
  • Gergely Ditróy
  • üzletfejlesztési igazgató
  • Email:
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