Label: "coronavirus"

covid hungary cimlapkep creative
April 22, 2020 06:40

COVID-19 in Hungary: 2,168 confirmed cases, 12 new deaths

70 more coronavirus cases diagnosed

koronavírus intenzív járvány kórház
April 21, 2020 16:49

COVID-19 in Hungary: this is why the government is bracing for the worst

But there is another way, and a less painful one for that matter.

April 21, 2020 12:37

Hungarian banks have no choice but to lend - MNB Deputy Governor

In the current loan moratorium every bank must adjust to customer needs, says Márton Nagy

EU csucs koltsegvetes Charles Michel Emmanuel Macron Antonio Costa
April 21, 2020 11:15

EU leaders to defer decision on recovery package on Thursday

EU 27 GDP projected to decrease 10% this year

nemet autoipar autogyartas
April 21, 2020 10:20

Global car sales may fall up to 20% this year

Hungary also hit hard

April 21, 2020 09:25

Will Hungary's wage subsidy system work? Employers speak up

MGYOSZ assesses the latest modifications

factory worker dolgozó gyári munkás hegeszt
April 21, 2020 09:12

March unemployment rises as virus hits Hungary

281,000 people lose their jobs, more to come

koronavirus, nő
April 21, 2020 08:50

Hungary COVID-19 infections pass 2,000 mark

Virus claims 14 lives on Monday

audi koronavirus ujraindulas
April 21, 2020 08:29

It could take weeks until production is back to normal at Audi Hungaria

Most employees are on mandatory leave

györgy lászló
April 20, 2020 16:46

Hungary amends scant wage subsidy system

Kurzarbeit will bring releif to more businesses ministry promises

April 20, 2020 10:46

Hungarian gov't to modify COVID-19 rescue package

Minister promises "a few changes to the economic protection strategy"

koronavírus járvány gyógyszer
April 20, 2020 09:58

Hungary COVID-19 mortality rate climbs above 10%

Outstanding in regional comparison due to low number of tests

járvány koronavírus sátor
April 20, 2020 09:23

COVID-19: local peak expected around 3 May in Hungary, minister says

Just in time for final exams

ipar munkás dolgozó
April 20, 2020 09:05

GKI: another 100,000 people could lose their jobs in Hungary

50,000 to 60,000 could have been dismissed already

April 18, 2020 09:22

Hungary Magyar Telekom to pay HUF 20 dividend per share

First day of dividend payment is 21 May

April 17, 2020 17:28

Hungary chief Matolcsy addresses economic situation

Trusts in V-shaped crisis

April 17, 2020 12:04

COVID-19: Hungary's mortality rate stands out in CEE region

Hungary must do something differently than others

April 17, 2020 11:05

Staying home with 2 or 3 kids is a 'jihad', Hungary PM says

Only 16% of hospital beds had to be vacated

April 17, 2020 09:08

Special coronavirus rules needed for Budapest, Hungary PM says

"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst"