Label: "eu funds"

villanyora aram elektromos
November 24, 2023 12:20

Budapest promises EU to restructure overheads reduction scheme

New pricing may be deployed that could benefit many consumers

Didier Reynders
November 22, 2023 08:24

EU Justice Commissioner: Hungary has not yet met all the conditions

"Some questions remain open" and the developments will be closely monitored

November 13, 2023 12:46

Hungarian government to allocate EU money for energy storages

HUF 62 billion tender to be opened in mid-January 2024

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő kossuth rádió
November 10, 2023 10:05

Ukraine's EU accession not a matter or bargain, Brussels owes Hungary - Orbán

Prime Minister speaks on public radio

johannes hahn
November 08, 2023 09:00

EC still won't relent on EU funds, wants Hungary to make decisive reforms

Two EU Commissioners spoke about the Hungarian negotiations at a joint meeting of the two committees of the EP

uniós csúcs, európai tanács, európai tanács csúcstalálkozó
October 26, 2023 09:42

Budapest may veto in Brussels again, EU's proposed contribution increase at risk

EC's budget deal is becoming increasingly urgent

October 19, 2023 13:44

MEPs call for major top-up of 2024 EU budget

Urge adding EUR 6.3 billion

euró bankjegy
October 16, 2023 09:05

What will happen to Hungary's EU funds? Tibor Navracsics to address issue

At Budapest Economic Forum this week

October 12, 2023 15:25

Hungarian gov't closes solar panel tender for households

New project to be launched from leftover EU funds

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
September 29, 2023 10:48

Orbán says Brussels is dragging its feet over funds it owes Hungary

Hungarian PM also talks about inflation and economic outlook

orbán viktor
September 25, 2023 15:19

Decoupling from Russian energy is against Hungary's interests - Orbán

PM addresses Parliament at opening of autumn session

bóka jános
September 13, 2023 09:03

EU Affairs Minister warns against waiting for EU funds to arrive anytime soon

But he expects the matter to be resolved by next summer's rotating presidency

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
September 05, 2023 08:10

Hungary may need HUF 700 billion more this year

Financing plan modified

Majdnem öthónapos mélypontra ütötték tegnap a forintot
August 15, 2023 12:10

The cheap euro for holidays is already lost - will the 400 forint exchange rate come back in the fall?

We may even scratch the psychological limit

Megint csurrant-cseppent a kormány az építőipari cégeknek
August 15, 2023 09:07

More dismal news on the Hungarian construction industry

Production fell again in June

Magyarországi európai uniós támogatások.
July 24, 2023 10:53

EU projects would carry a different label under a proposed new legislation

"Financed by the citizens of the EU" instead of just "Financed by EU funds"

varga mihaly portfolio budapest economic forum
July 21, 2023 09:35

Hungary FinMin says budget to be reviewed in Sept, central bank law to be amended

Varga stresses importance of forint stability

Johannes Hahn Europai Bizottssag koltsegvetesi biztos
July 19, 2023 12:53

EU Budget Commissioner sends Hungary a stern warning over foundation-run universities

Agreement should be reached quickly, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities already from September

építkezés építőipar
July 14, 2023 10:26

Construction sector in spectacular downhill slide

This will be a year of bitter times for the sector

Didier Reynders jogallamisagi jelentes
July 12, 2023 10:22

EU Commissioner pledges to take action against "those who do not follow rule of law recommendations"

Didier Reynders addressed the European Parliament