Unusual directions in Hungary's construction sector
Whole year is still lacklustre
But it could still be a long way to go
German company Fakt AG has been placed under bankruptcy protection
Even though it is no longer used as a headquarters
Statistical office publishes surprising figures
Haven't seen such a low figure since 2014
Mostly lakeside real resorts on offer
Ekkora kapacitással tervez a beruházó.
Construction well underway already
Hungary no longer a core market
Numbers at a decade low
Feeble condominium housing project starts in Q1
Dramatic decline or further growth - Where will the housing market be this time next year?
On the other hand, the situation has improved for loans
Only Poland and Bulgaria perform worse
More than HUF 200 billion raised in February
Wallet thickness determines location
These are the most important steps according to ÉVOSZ
Draft law proposes revised green area protection