Label: "ukraine"

orbán katar
May 23, 2023 17:47

Hungary's Orbán says Ukraine cannot win this war, Kyiv responds

Further aid will only lead to more deaths, PM says

otp bankfiók belső és külső képek, logók
May 18, 2023 15:16

EU tries to resolve Hungary-Ukraine spat over blacklisted OTP, blocked EU assistance

Clearing up the clot to move towards key issue

szankció, uniós jog, európai ügyészség, európai unió bírósága, eub
May 12, 2023 12:38

Budapest boos over EU sanctions again

Wants to lift sanctions on three individuals

Ursula von der Leyen szankcio Europai Unio sajtoadatbazis ujrafelhasznalhato
May 10, 2023 16:21

Hungary could put a crimp in new EU sanctions targeting Russia

Long debate expected on preventing sanction circumvention

brusszel europai unio
May 09, 2023 17:36

New EU sanctions on Russia to skip nuclear energy, one branch of Friendship pipeline to be included

Going up against China, Turkey risks opening a Pandora’s box several EU countries fear

Ukrajna Gabona Haboru Export Importtilalom
May 08, 2023 09:50

Hungary agri minister makes new announcement on Ukrainian grain

Touches upon future of Hungarian agriculture

varso lengyelorszag belweder elnöki palota
May 04, 2023 09:47

After Hungary, now Poland tries to put the crimp in post-Cotonou deal

Veto after veto after veto

May 04, 2023 08:55

Hungarian farmers to receive EUR 16 million from EU over Ukraine agri-food imports

Member States to vote on proposal, import ban expected to remain beyond 5 June

parlament sötét magyarország
May 03, 2023 14:55

Hungarian gov't extends state of danger - again

Until end-November this time

May 03, 2023 08:18

Commission adopts temporary preventive measures on limited imports from Ukraine

Exceptional measures to be in force for a month

Mol Dunai Finomító Dufi kőolajvezeték barátság-vezeték friendship
April 28, 2023 11:49

This is how much Hungary will pay for Russian oil transit

Tariff to be raised in two stages

April 26, 2023 10:05

Hungary makes it clear it is not supporting any of Ukraine's integration aspirations

Citing the protection of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia.

April 24, 2023 09:42

Europe has not spent as much on arms in thirty years

The whole world is taking up arms

EU kiberbiztonság hacker
April 19, 2023 09:41

European Commission adopts legislative proposal on cybersecurity

Facing the challenges of the modern age

ukrán gabona
April 19, 2023 08:45

Poland reaches agreement on Ukrainian grain imports

Meanwhile, the Hungarian government issued a decree on the matter too

ukrán gabona
April 18, 2023 09:15

Hungarian import ban on Ukrainian farm produce goes against EU rules - Czech minister

Nekula comments on same measure by Poland, Slovakia

európai bizottság, uniós vizsgálat, olaf
April 17, 2023 12:44

EU has had enough, Russian money movements are being targeted

Political party financing to be exposed