Label: "vaccine"

vakcina oltás koronavírus
January 21, 2022 16:40

European drugs regulator says multiple COVID-19 booster shots unsustainable

Booster dose is needed to extend vaccine protection against Omicron

koronavírus vakcina szputnyik orosz oltás getty stock
January 20, 2022 17:35

Russia's Sputnik V loses less protection against Omicron than Pfizer's COVID-19 shot

According to Russian, Italian scientists

pfizer vakcina
January 13, 2022 08:51

Important news about Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine booster

Works well with pneumonia shot too

pfizer vakcina oltás
January 07, 2022 11:01

Hungarians remain vaccine-wary, with 12.5 million doses of COVID-19 jabs left

At the start of the 'fifth wave' vaccine shortage is not a problem, reluctance is

January 03, 2022 10:25

Hungary's Katalin Karikó receives Golden Plate Award 2021

Awarded by the American Academy Achievement

koronavírus járvány vakcina oltópont magyarország kórház
December 23, 2021 06:00

Fifth COVID-19 wave named Omicron to hit Hungary - Why should we be concerned?

Beatrix Oroszi and Gergely Röst assessing the outlook

AstraZeneca gyár koronavírus gyógyszer
December 22, 2021 08:44

AstraZeneca, Oxford aim to develop Omicron-targeted vaccine

Researcher sees more rapid response than previously thought

orbán viktor bejelentés orbán
December 21, 2021 12:30

Hungary orders 9.5 million of COVID-19 vaccine adapted for Omicron - Orbán

Prime Minister holds press briefing

koronavírus vakcina oltás
December 20, 2021 16:25

European medicines watchdog clears new COVID-19 vaccine

Fifth vaccine Novavax to be available next year

koronavirus varians
December 20, 2021 13:10

COVID-19: 366 deaths in Hungary over the weekend

With 10,100 new cases

koronavírus vakcina
December 17, 2021 16:50

Hungary back in talks with EU on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine purchase due to Omicron

Coronavirus Press Centre confirms Portfolio scoop

Ursula von der Leyen europai bizottsag vakcina pfizer biontech oltoanyag beszerzes magyarorszag 2011089
December 17, 2021 08:28

Commission President von der Leyen paints gloomy picture on Omicron spread

New variant spreads fast, vaccines partly effective, health car systems overstretched due to the unvaccinated

orvos maszk koronavírus kórház getty stock
December 15, 2021 13:55

COVID-19: 153 deaths, more than 5,500 new cases in Hungary on Tuesday

Number of Covid patients in hospitals, ventilators drops further

gyerek oltás mti
December 15, 2021 11:50

Hungary starts vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 against COVID-19

New milestone in the vaccination programme

December 14, 2021 15:05

COVID-19 vaccines made available without prior registration for three days in Hungary

Does not make much sense, but whatever

koronavírus vakcina
December 14, 2021 10:30

COVID-19: Death toll over 37,000 in Hungary

Omicron variant is in the country

omikron koronavirus
December 13, 2021 15:20

Two doses of COVID-19 vaccines show reduced effectiveness against Omicron variant

Third dose needed to boost protection

koronavirus varians
December 13, 2021 12:30

COVID-19: 455 deaths, over 16,000 new cases in Hungary over the weekend

All figures point to improvement