Label: "war"

Putyin szerint Romániából és Lengyelországból érkezhet az újabb fenyegetés
February 28, 2022 23:39

Putin lays out demands for stopping offensive in Ukraine

Converses with French President Macron for 90 minutes

122 mm lőszeres ládák
February 28, 2022 17:00

Hungary does not let through weapons slated for Ukraine

Foreign Ministry confirms earlier report

ukrán haderő
February 28, 2022 09:55

Russia-Ukraine war escalates - Here are the highlights of the weekend

Military manoeuvres, sanctions, strategic moves

February 28, 2022 08:29

Ukrainian President Zelensky warns next 24 hours 'a crucial period'

Spoke with UK PM Johnson on the phone

vlagyimir putyin shutter
February 27, 2022 20:26

Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on alert

West comes up with new package of tougher sanctions

February 25, 2022 17:20

Hungary Mol asks for extra oil supplies from Russia

To prepare for potential supply disruptions in the wake of raid on Ukraine

vlagyimir putyin
February 25, 2022 17:03

Putin holds surreal speech on war on Ukraine

As if he was living in an alternate reality

Szijjártó Brüsszel
February 25, 2022 15:44

Hungary opens humanitarian corridor to help refugees from Ukraine

For citizens of third countries fleeing from Russian aggression

February 25, 2022 14:15

EU moves to freeze Putin and Lavrov's European assets

In scope of a more serious sanctions package

bankkártya közelről piros chip érintésmentes
February 25, 2022 13:39

Some Russian bank cards will not work abroad

If issuing bank is affected by sanctions

szergej lavrov orosz-ukran haboru
February 25, 2022 13:00

Russia ready to negotiate with Ukraine on one condition

Fast response after peace plea

February 25, 2022 10:52

Russian forces enter Obolon district in Kyiv

Ministry implores residents to make Molotov cocktails

February 25, 2022 09:01

Ukraine reveals number of casualties after first day of Russian invasion

Deaths in the hundreds

orbán viktor brüsszel ukrajna orosz szankció
February 25, 2022 08:05

EU agrees on new package of sanctions for Russia

Sanctions aim to hurt Russia in various sectors

orban viktor orosz-ukran haboru
February 25, 2022 07:40

EU decides to introduce uniform sanctions, Orbán reports from Brussels

Membre States condemn Russia's belligerent actions against Ukraine

February 24, 2022 17:13

NATO has no plans to send troops into Ukraine, EU readies sanctions package for Russia

Press conference after NATO-EU meeting

varga mihaly gazdasagi kabinet ülés
February 24, 2022 16:50

Hungary FinMin Varga tries to assuage concerns over Russia-Ukraine war

Stresses sound financial stability of the country

orosz katonai helikopter
February 24, 2022 16:29

Russians seize Hostomel airport near Kyiv after heavy fighting

This could have been one of the largest helicopter invasion in history